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The Icon Bar: News and features: 4 interesting RISC OS projects on Git

4 interesting RISC OS projects on Git

Posted by Mark Stephens on 07:14, 26/11/2019 |
If you are are a developer, the chances are that you have heard of (or indeed use) Git. This is a version control system which allows many developers to work on the code and handles all the code merging, history, conflicts, etc. 

Git is a relatively new format so many big projects are still on older Version Control Systems. But Git seems to have 'won' the Version control software battle and many other projects are moving to Git. For example, the Java language has Project Skara, a plan to move the Java source code from Mercurial to Git.
One of the 'killer features' of Git is GitHub - a central repository for storing Git code. There are many interesting projects up there, although not all Git projects need to be hosted on GitHub.
If you are interested in RISC OS and interested in using or learning about Git, here are 4 interesting projects you should know about?
1. RISC OS on Git
RISC OS was originally setup using a very old source code management system called CVS. In the last year, ROOL has also made it possible to access RISC OS on via the GitLab interface. Great to see some very recent additions! ROOL have recently thrown it open to more general usage.
2. RISC OS Linux port
Over the last few years, Timothy Baldwin has been working on an exciting project to get RISC OS running on Linux. The source code for this is on GitHub along with instructions to get it all up and running. Find out more.
3. Arcem
This free, multiplatform emulator of RISC OS is also hosted on GitHub. You can download and build the software or just look at the raw source code. Find out more here.
4. UCDebug
Developed by University of Cantabria in Spain to tesch their students but with far wider possibilities.
There are several other interesting RISC OS projects on GitHub and this will hopefully be much easier when we get a native Git toolset for RISC OS. Now that would be a nice surprise for the next show...
  4 interesting RISC OS projects on Git
  nunfetishist (09:20 26/11/2019)
Rob Kendrick Message #124650, posted by nunfetishist at 09:20, 26/11/2019
Today's phish is trout a la creme.

Posts: 524
All of NetSurf's source code and build tools (including our patched GCCKSDK) is in git and you can browse it at http://git.netsurf-browser.org/
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The Icon Bar: News and features: 4 interesting RISC OS projects on Git