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The Icon Bar: News and features: Demo news

Demo news

Posted by Alex Holloway on 00:00, 26/1/1999 | , ,
Evolution. The moment you've been waiting
Yup the Evolution demos are now reviewed and rated. Yes folks, check them
out here. It's really nice to see some great Acorn demos again and I'm pleased to say they've thoroughly upset the Top Five rankings...

Bye everyone (26/01/99)
And this is me, Alex Holloway, demos section author, signing
off. I can't keep this up any more - too much degree work and I haven't
got time to maintain the site properly. I hope my replacement doesn't change all my ratings... Anyway greets to all the scene and congratulations to DFI especially for some great stuff.

Scorpion - 2D/3D rendering engine (29/10/98)
Check out the Scorpion web pages for info on this really promising graphics engine... should make waves at Evolution!


The Xperience still exist! (23/10/98)
May I invite you to read this message from
The Xperience, the self-styled number one Acorn demo group!

The Xperience, part of Xperience Media Arts, is still present on the Acorn platform, but due to our studies, we have only little time to spend. There are, however, two TXP demo projects for the StrongARM being developed at the moment, and we will release them in case that any serious competitor demonstrates that he is capable of designing something intelligent which is not totally based on 3D-effects like everything on the PC these days.
What more can be said?


Evolution - the '98/'99 Acorn Demos event (13/10/98)
Following the loss of Acorn World 98 - i.e. both the prize and venue for
Revelation - this year's Demos event has undergone a substantial change. The
name of the event is now Evolution, to be organised (mainly) by Paul Wheatley. Evolution will not be a party event; the deadline for producing demos is now 1st December, so they can all go onto a Demo Special CD on the February 1999 issue of Acorn User. The CD will also feature a huge archive of Acorn demos from the last ten years, hopefully including all of those featured in these pages.
I won't say any more here but look out for the Evolution Demo Pages which will be hosted here, in the Acorn Arcade Demos section - these will be up later this week. In the meantime here is Paul Wheatley's official announcement.


Acorn World 98 out of the picture (28/9/98)
I quote from the Acorn Cybervillage: "One thing that is now definite is that Acorn World is 100 cancelled for this year." This would suggest that Rev'98 will become Rev'99 unless it is organised separately. Watch this space.



Acorn have given up on desktop computers! Oh dear... (27/9/98)
Acorn are no longer going to produce Phoebe or organise Acorn World 98, which casts doubts on Revelation 98. Since many groups have been writing for this let's hope it is organised independantly: keep checking the Rev'98 website for updates on this. Currently I don't know much, although since the show should go ahead and hopefully the venue won't change (much!), the Demo party will happen.



The Xperience release some not-so-ancient Relics(27/9/98)
The Xperience have released the source code to several of their demos: check out their website for details and download. We should be seeing a
new production from them in the near future, too: this may well be the one to hold your breath for.



New Acorn newsgroups including a Demos group! (27/9/98)
Recently launched are the alt.acorn.* newsgroups, including alt.acorn.demos! Check it out: I'll subscribe as soon as my news server can get it...



Inspiration - new demo group (what, another?!)(31/7/98)
While everyone else seems to be planning for Revelation '98 - Inspiration have appeared and released their first demo! Ominoco is available for download here. I've reviewed this like any other demo, see here, although I'm not sure if I should have, always get a guilty conscience after slapping a 'Dire' rating on someone's work...



Divine Nature have produced more than a nice website! (31/7/98)
Take another look at their website, because there's now a couple of small programs to download while we're waiting for Eden! Nothing large enough to do a proper review of, but these are worth looking at.



Paul Wheatley has quit! (12/6/98)
Paul Wheatley, member of Kulture and regular contributor to Acorn User magazine - he who wrote all those demo reviews last year when the scene was so active - has announced he is "hanging up his Acorn coding boots". If you've seen the July issue of Acorn User you'll already know this, since this is where I found out from. Hopefully he won't fade into the background now he's busy writing computer games... any Acorn conversions, then, please?



Another new Acorn demo group! (14/5/98)
Divine Nature have just gone public - their first demo, Eden, is scheduled for Revelation 98 (aren't they all :-), but there's already some screenshots on the site to look at. Incidentally this is a really classy website: The Xperience have competition in this domain at least!



Reactive announce details of a new demo... (14/5/98)
Reactivity is to be released at Revelation 98, and from what I've heard, this'll be a pretty good contender... One to look forward to! Reactive have also produced a trailer for it - a huge animated GIF showing one of the effects:take a look.



Revelation 98 Demo Party
THE Big Event of '98 - Revelation 98 will be bigger, better and flashier than last year's. To be held at the Acorn World show in November, this promises much, and the prize of a RiscPCII for the winner will surely increase the number and standard of entries! I won't say any more - the official Revelation 98 web pages say it all... Oh, and remember to download DFi's invitation to the party.



DFi and VOTI join forces
DFi, makers of Fishtank 2 among others, and Visions Of The Impossible, authors of several good shareware games, seem set to join up to produce a game based on DFi's graphics engine. We don't yet know exactly what will come out of this venture... but for more information, check out DFi's web pages.

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The Icon Bar: News and features: Demo news