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The Icon Bar: News and features: Doom - Cheat Codes

Doom - Cheat Codes

Posted by Tim Fountain on 00:00, 30/10/2000 | , ,
Cheat Codes

This is a complete listing of all the cheat codes for Doom. To use them, simply type one in while playing the game. Note: versions 2.00 onwards signify Acorn Doom+ cheat codes.


idbeholda1.00Gives you a computer area map which lasts for the rest of the level.
idbeholdi1.00Gives you partial invisibility which lasts for 60 seconds.
idbeholdl1.00Gives you light amplification visors which lasts for 120 seconds.
idbeholdr1.00Gives you a radiation suit which lasts for 60 seconds.
idbeholds1.00Gives you beserk strength which lasts for the rest of the level (although the reddish hue only lasts for 30 seconds).
idbeholdv1.00Gives you invulneratility.
idchoppers1.00Gives you a chainsaw. Find some meat!
idclev**1.00Jump to level **. On Ultimate Doom, the first * is the episode number, and the second * is the level number (1-9). On Doom II, ** is a number from 01-32. Note: this code resets your status to 100% health, 0% armour, a pistol and 50 bullets. All other weapons and ammunition are removed, along with backpack.
idclip1.00Toggle clipping mode (allows you to walk through walls and other objects). Note: this disables your ability to use teleporters and pick up objects. Only works on Doom II, use idspispopd on Ultimate Doom.
iddqd1.00Toggle 'god mode'. When on, health changes to 100%, and you can't be injured. Well almost. If you are on a teleport pad and another human player or monster (except on Doom II, level 30) teleports to where you are then you die.
iddt1.00Toggle automap mode:

    First time: Show all map detail

    Shows the whole map, and all walls, doors, trigger lines etc.

    Second time: Map details and objects

    Shows the whole map, and all objects including monsters and projectiles are indicated by green triangles.

    Third time: back to normal.



    Same as above except:

    Third time: toggles new details mode

    Star for collectables, red hexagons for dead monsters, brown hexagons for some objects, and brown triangles for monsters. Coloured keys and doors are also shown.

    Fourth time: return to normal


Note: this code must be entered while in automap mode (press TAB), if you've got Doom+, PIP map doesn't count :-).
idfa1.00All weapons, full ammunition and 200% armour. Note: your ammunition-carrying capacity doubles when you pick up your first backpack.
idkeya1.00Gives you all the keys.
idkey*2.01Gives you key * (where * is the first letter of the key colour - r, y or b).
idkfa1.00All weapons, full ammunution, 200% armour and all keys.
idmus**1.00Use music track from level ** (obviously this only works if you can hear the music anyway). 33 plays the interlude music (the music that is played when you complete levels 6 and 11), 34 gives plays the title screen music, 35 gives the interlude music for every level apart fom 6 and 11.
idmypos1.00Display your angle and coordinates in hexadecimal format.
idspispopd2.00Same as idclip except this one works on Ultimate Doom. It stands for 'Smashing Pumpkins Into Small Pieces Of Putrid Debris'.
idspread2.00Toggle 'Plasma Gun Spread Mode', where one shot of the plasma gun actually fires 9 bolts in a spread in front of you. This makes the plasma gun more effective for clearing rooms than the BFG (but makes you loose ammo pretty quick).
 2.02As of v2.02 this cheat increments the number of bolts that the plasma gun fires in 'Plasma Gun Spread Mode'. The sequence of this is 3, 5, 7, 9 and OFF.
idtrans2.00Toggle transparency.
idfight2.01Allow monsters to fight one another.
idmuscd2.01Display CD name (if !CDDB in use) or number (if not).
idmusic2.01Display track name (if !CDDB in use) or number (if not).
idpack2.01Gives you a backpack.
idcache2.02Toggle the column caching.
idresamp2.02Change the resampling level.


Note: all cheat codes except idclev** and iddt are disabled on Nightmare skill level, and many are disabled when playing network games.

Thanks to Justin Fletcher
, if it wasn't for him this page would be much shorter.
This is because:

    a) Half of these codes wouldn't exist, and
    b) we wouldn't know about them even if they did.

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The Icon Bar: News and features: Doom - Cheat Codes