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Get 6 years worth of RISCWorld free!

RISCWorld, the CD based subscription magazine  for all RISC OS users,
is delighted to announce two new subscription  offers:

Offer 1

Get RISCWorld "Just The Words" FREE with a years  subscription,
only £21.90 for UK subscribers, £24.50 overseas.

Anyone  subscribing to Volume 7 of RISCWorld will get a free copy of
RISCWorld "Just  The Words" on CD. This contains the entire collection
of articles for the  first six volumes of RISCWorld. That's over 650 articles
about RISC OS and  RISC OS related issues. Plus, of course, subscribers
will also receive each  issue of Volume 7 as it's published.

Offer 2

Get the complete  RISCWorld collection on DVD with a years subscription
for only £35.90 for UK  subscribers, £38.50 overseas.

Not only do you get all the articles from  the first six volumes of RISCWorld,
you also get all the exclusive cover  mounted software as well as all the
featured software on one DVD ROM.  RISCWorld has published a large
amount of full commercial software over the  last 6 years, including:

DrawWorks Millennium, FontFX6, TypeStudio,  Rhapsody, Sleuth,
Sitewriter, NightSky, WebFX3D, Mr Clippy ...and many  more...

And they are all included on the DVD! Plus of course you get  every issue
of Volume 7 as they are published.

A RISCWorld volume 7  subscription runs from March 2006 to March 2007.

For more details please  visit the RISCWorld website at:


Aaron  (RISCWorld)