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The Icon Bar: News and features: Archive Edition 27:1 reviewed

Archive Edition 27:1 reviewed

Posted by Mark Stephens on 07:55, 16/4/2024 |

Archive Magazine is now into Volume 27 and the latest issue should have arrived recently by email or post 

Inside the suitable seasonal cover, you will find 44 pages packed with news, reviews, opinion, hints, tips and some yellow pages. I notice the month date on the cover is now 'EARLY'.

Gavin is upbeat in his editorial (and so he should be). Archive continues to thrive under him (a result of much hard work and dedication from him) and lots of interesting RISC OS developments to report on. Note, as this is a new volume, subscription costs will rise as a result of the continued increases in postage.

The regular 6 page news section covers new and updated hardware and software releases. If you have the PDF version, links are all clickable. There is also a Show report from the South-West Show. Gavin also has an update on the current state of the RISC OS bounties scheme.

The regular Hearsay column features an interview with Bryan Hogan, who runs ROUGOL, and RISC OS Arcade looks at recent games from Amcog and conversions by Jeroen Vermeulen.

This edition has an article on whether all SSDs are equal from Chris Hall (read before you buy one!) and a really good explanation on what are 4K Discs. Rob Heaton has his first impressions of the RISCOSbits Venom system, Timo Hartung tells us all about the Acorn Atom PC Card. Nicholas Cutler starts a new series on Cubic Splines - explaining how these work and how Draw uses them.

There are also lots of hints and tips tucked in between articles and I have left some surprises for you to find...

Next edition is promised for release at the Wakefield show.

archive website


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The Icon Bar: News and features: Archive Edition 27:1 reviewed