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The Icon Bar: News and features: Elesar releases new version of Prophet

Elesar releases new version of Prophet

Posted by Mark Stephens on 16:50, 13/8/2018 |
Hot on the heels of updating Font Directory Pro, Elesar have announced a new release of the resurrected Accounting package Prophet.
The main changes in the new releases have been to bring the software so that it runs on all modern machines with a nice set of RISC OS 4 or 5 icons and does not need Aemulor to run on 32bit. Oh, and it understands the tax system in 2018.
There is also a revised 262 page manual for the product.
Elesar has been developing quite a track record of reviving and updating old RISC OS software, and we look forward to seeing what they have planned for Prophet (and what other surprises they spring on us).
Website link with a new license for 97.20 (Including VAT) or 68.40 for an upgrade.





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The Icon Bar: News and features: Elesar releases new version of Prophet