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VirtualRPC upgrades

VirtualAcorn are pleased to announce that upgrades for  all 
versions of VirtualRPC are now available from the 
downloads section  of the VirtualAcorn website. 

Upgrades for VirtualRPC-SE and  VirtualRPC-Adjust 
replace the existing single tasking  


file with a  multi-tasking version, which makes it much 
easier to set up a RISC OS  printer definition file. 
These upgrades also include an updated HostFS  
extensions file which allows RISC OS to open PDF 
files with a .PDF  extension. In addition .zip files are 
now correctly mapped so that they will  be opened 
by SparkPlug. 

The upgrades for VirtualRPC-SA and  VirtualRPC-AdjustSA 
also include the multi-tasking ShowPrinters file as well  
as a new version of HostFS2. This new HostFS2 is 
recommended for all  users and resolves an intermittent 
problem on multi-core processors and on  some single 
core processors. The symptoms reported by some 
users include  a failure on running the RISC OS Boot 
sequence as well as occasional random  "Data Abort" 
errors. Users who have not experienced these problems  
should still download and install this upgrade. All copies 
of  VirtualRPC-SA and VirtualRPC-AdjustSA manufactured 
after the 6th  of September 2006 will include the new
HostFS2 automatically.
About VirtualAcorn
VirtualAcorn supply a range of products that allow users
to run RISC OS 4, or RISC OS Adjust, on  Desktop and
Laptop PCs with Windows  2000 or WindowsXP. 
You can obtain more details from our website  at:
_http://www.virtualacorn.co.uk_ (http://www.virtualacorn.co.uk) 
Aaron (VirtualAcorn)