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The Icon Bar: News and features: Acorn Evolution Evolves

Acorn Evolution Evolves

Posted by Andrew Duffell on 10:46, 21/6/2004 | , , , ,
AcornEvolution EvolutionThe ill-fated AcornEvolution.com news site has relaunched as Upgrades and Spares provider. The Icon Bar exclusively reported earlier this year that Gavin was selling a new product, developed by his hardware partner, which was found by chance on eBay - this is the first major product of AE.
AcornEvolution aims to provide Upgrades and Spares for the RISC OS/Acorn market. "The site currently sells RAM upgrades as well as refurbished RiscPCs of all specs but the first upgrade to be developed with our hardware partner is the IDE CompactFlash Interface." explained Gavin "This interface has been tested on a wide range of RISC OS equipment and is fully guaranteed. It allows a normal CompactFlash card to be used as an IDE drive - in other words, it turns a CF card into your boot drive (or backup drive)."
CompactFlash IDE InterfaceThe interfaces are hand built by their hardware partner in the UK to a very high quality and includes a molex connector and sticky feet. It is priced at 20GBP and comes with full RISC OS support and guarantee.
AcornEvolution.com have several items of hardware planned for launch this year

Link: AcornEvolution

  Acorn Evolution Evolves
  SparkY (16:07 21/6/2004)
  ad (16:11 21/6/2004)
    fwibbler (17:51 21/6/2004)
      andrew (23:32 21/6/2004)
        SparkY (23:57 21/6/2004)
          ad (13:33 22/6/2004)
Gavin Smith Message #93030, posted by SparkY at 16:07, 21/6/2004
Danger! Danger! High Voltage!
Posts: 697
I must say that I prefer the IB headline to the Drobe one ;)
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Andrew Duffell Message #93031, posted by ad at 16:11, 21/6/2004, in reply to message #93030

Posts: 3262
*spends hours thinking them up*
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fwibbler Message #93032, posted by fwibbler at 17:51, 21/6/2004, in reply to message #93031

Posts: 320
I've been trying to think of a reason to buy one of these as it seems like a neat gadget to have.
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Andrew Message #93033, posted by andrew at 23:32, 21/6/2004, in reply to message #93032
HandbagHandbag Boi
Posts: 3439
Interesting. What is the biggest CF available and how much are they generally?
Do these interfaces stick out of the back i.e. you don't need to replace an existing hard-drive or add another slide do you?
What about speed? Are they much slower or faster than a standard RiscPC IDE interface?
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Gavin Smith Message #93034, posted by SparkY at 23:57, 21/6/2004, in reply to message #93033
Danger! Danger! High Voltage!
Posts: 697
Hi Andrew,
This is an internal add-on - it simply connects straight to the end of an IDE cable. You can use it (with a suitable CF card) to replace your boot hard drive for reasons of efficiency, silence and reliability or you can use it as a secondary backup drive.
The largest (and most expensive) CF card is a 1GB at around £140-150. The smaller ones are much more affordable at anything from about £20 or less upwards.
Regarding speed, in tests I have seen no differences at all - I must do some more testing this week and get some figures down on paper.
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Andrew Duffell Message #93035, posted by ad at 13:33, 22/6/2004, in reply to message #93034

Posts: 3262
and ofcourse the price of CF cards is only going to go down as larger ones are made.
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The Icon Bar: News and features: Acorn Evolution Evolves