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The Icon Bar: News and features: ArgoNet cast off?

ArgoNet cast off?

Posted by Richard Goodwin on 18:45, 12/4/2001 | , ,
ArgoNet have just announced that they have separated from Argo Interactive Ltd. to become Freedom2. Although still part of the same group of companies, Freedom2 will be free to build up the ISP side of the business while Argo Interactive concentrate on mobile device software.

The ArgoNet name will be retained for current ISP customers, but they've also officially announced the Passport2Learn ISP for schools and other educational establishments. Built from scratch in conjunction with big names like Sun Cobalt, Ideal Hardware and Navaho Technologies, it does away with the troublesome UUnet Pipex service and offers unmetered access on ISDN2, with broadband promised later. Although this isn't mentioned as being offered to ArgoNet customers - as UUNet don't offer it to their resellers - this could point to it being made available at some point.

Matt Gray, who some will remember from his days in Technical Support at ArgoNet, is now Managing Director, and had this to say:

"Freedom2's vision is to be the leading supplier of secure, reliable Internet access at great value for money. We are have developed our own connectivity infrastructure to ensure reliable, high speed access for our customers. Our modular approach to this new system enables rapid expansion of both the network and our customer base without impairing quality to existing customers."

After the past management of the ISP it's encouraging to see that people who actually seem to care about it are now in control. The people who originally built it appear to have lost interest and have done a good impression of running the business down with an eye on closing it, even if that wasn't their stated intent. The past week's problems with mail - due in part to a spam attack, but in the most part because of the extreme age and underspec'd server that was handling almost all ArgoNet's services - coupled with recent job losses at Argo Group's main headquarters would suggest the time is ripe for a change in management. And all of this just in time for the shareholders that invested in ArgoNet to voice their opinions at the AGM later this month. Let's hope that Matt can build the company and deliver on his promises.


  ArgoNet cast off?
  (23:42 12/4/2001)
  Richard Goodwin (12:44 13/4/2001)
    Michael Stubbs (16:33 13/4/2001)
      Michael Stubbs (16:33 13/4/2001)
        John Campbell Rees (21:39 13/4/2001)
          Chris Williams (21:53 13/4/2001)
            Richard Goodwin (11:26 14/4/2001)
              Tim Fountain (12:59 14/4/2001)
                Chris Williams (22:36 14/4/2001)
                  Tim Fountain (23:30 14/4/2001)
                    Matthew Somerville (15:12 15/4/2001)
                      Michael Stubbs (16:22 16/4/2001)
John Campbell Rees Message #88474, posted at 23:42, 12/4/2001
Unregistered user So, what's new?
I have had a brief look at their Web Site, and they are still offering the same products as before. Should this be Freedom2chargeanarmandaleg?
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Richard Goodwin Message #88475, posted at 12:44, 13/4/2001, in reply to message #88474
Unregistered user Considering they only announced it yesterday, what do you expect? You didn't even give them a chance to change things overnight! :)

What's new is that money can actually be spent, and has been on the Passport2Learn stuff which *might* have a good knock-on effect to "regular" customers. Under the old management there was no money and no will to put any time into anything; it was sad to see.

I do know that they have three sysadmins - a step up from no trained systadmins of their own under the old regime - and have been able to move all the mail and most of the own-domain websites on to modern servers on a fast network.

Only time will tell; they might not change anything, they might run the company into the ground trying. But to say nothing's changed after less than five hours is a bit much!
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Michael Stubbs Message #88476, posted at 16:33, 13/4/2001, in reply to message #88475
Unregistered user I agree, Rich.

I am hoping they will offer unmetered access (proper FRIACO or SurfTime stuff of course) and be fast and reliable for a reasonable price. If so I will switch to them.
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Michael Stubbs Message #88477, posted at 16:33, 13/4/2001, in reply to message #88476
Unregistered user They would do well to start reselling Oregano instead of Fresco, too.
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John Campbell Rees Message #88478, posted at 21:39, 13/4/2001, in reply to message #88477
Unregistered user It just seems like a wasted oportunity. If you are going to change your name, your web site and make a big thing about it, do it when you have a new product to go with the change.

I really would prefer to be with an ISP that knows all about RISC OS and is friendly towards RISC OS users, but Argonet was too expensive for me. Honest. I really hope that Freedom2 does offer something like FRIACO or cheap ISDN/ASDL for my computer, and then I would return to them.
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Chris Williams Message #88479, posted at 21:53, 13/4/2001, in reply to message #88478
Unregistered user Erk, give 'em time. They're probably still moving in and working exactly what they can offer. Better they don' do a MD and work out what they can achieve before boasting about it.

Good luck to 'em :)

Chris (speaking personally)
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Richard Goodwin Message #88480, posted at 11:26, 14/4/2001, in reply to message #88479
Unregistered user I have to say that after a good start it doesn't look like Oregano's getting any better attention than Fresco is. There's some very broken things - some of which worked in the version I reviewed for AU I'm sure - and it's been ages since an update was promised :(
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Tim Fountain Message #88481, posted at 12:59, 14/4/2001, in reply to message #88480
Unregistered user Apparently there was some news posted to the Oregano mailing list, but I couldn't see it when I looked in the archives. I emailed John Ballance last week but have yet to receive a reply.
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Chris Williams Message #88482, posted at 22:36, 14/4/2001, in reply to message #88481
Unregistered user What is the email address for the Castle mailing list?

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Tim Fountain Message #88483, posted at 23:30, 14/4/2001, in reply to message #88482
Unregistered user I can't remember offhand - it's one of them smart/egroups thingies though.
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Matthew Somerville Message #88484, posted at 15:12, 15/4/2001, in reply to message #88483
Unregistered user http://www.smartgroups.com/groups/oregano is what you're looking for... :)
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Michael Stubbs Message #88485, posted at 16:22, 16/4/2001, in reply to message #88484
Unregistered user Castle assure me that the new version is coming *very* soon. It's going to be a complete re-write which will allow easier and more-oft updates :-)
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The Icon Bar: News and features: ArgoNet cast off?