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The Icon Bar: News and features: Bunny Race

Bunny Race

Posted by Phil Mellor on 00:00, 30/10/1997 | , ,
The story so far...

Poor old Elvis the bunny really was having a bad hare day. If it wasn't bad enough for some unsavoury character to spray-painted his lovely car in such an unappetising pink colour, they had also stolen all of his cabbages too! Well, Elvis was not best pleased, and set off to find the culprit.
Following the track of pawprints nearby, he soon reached the burrow of his arch rival, the evil Alfonso! All the evidence was there - the chewed cabbage leaves, the pots of pink paint in the corner... Elvis had caught Alfonso red pawed! However, Alfonso wasn't going to give up that easily! He grabbed the remaining cabbages and jumped into his handily placed get-away plane, and flew away...
Elvis knew his mission - to catch up with Alfonso, and rescue the stolen cabbages!

Having a bad hare day...?
By Philip Mellor
Brrrmmm! Just rabbiting around!
Game features

Bunny Race has all the following gubbins in a feeble attempt to make the game sound worth downloading...

  • Four layer parallax scrolling
  • Twenty levels of increasing difficulty
  • Four completely different zones - with passwords, of course
  • Nice level selector map type thing
  • Sound effects and music
  • Quality cartoon style graphics
  • Runs decently on low-end machines (I hope)
  • Runs decently on high-end machines (I think)
  • Turnips and carrots galore!

Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot


System requirements

To run Bunny Race you will need the following:

  • An Acorn 32-bit computer
  • At least 2Mb RAM
  • RISC OS 3.1 or better
  • Approx 1500k on your hard disc
  • or one high density floppy
  • or two normal floppies
  • An ARM250 or better is recommended
For your information

Bunny Race is supplied as two archives - Disc1 (332k) and Disc2 (504k) - you will need to download both of these files.
If you try to download an archive and you get a new page in your browser full of garbage, wait until it has finished downloading and then save the page as HTML. You can set the filetype to an Archive (&DDC) and then use either Spark or ArcFS to dearchive the software. Netscape users can try a Save Link As command to save a bit of faff.


Disc 1


Disc 2



Bunny Race is FREEWARE. You may be copy and distribute it freely providing that all the files remain unaltered.
Magazines are free to copy and distribute it providing that all files remain unaltered. I understand that most magazines do pay authors for publishing programs - any disc editors please contact me if you're feeling generous!
PD libraries are free to copy and distribute it providing that all files remain unaltered and that the post and packaging prices are reasonable.


  Bunny Race
  ad (12:53 1/11/2009)
Andrew Duffell Message #111751, posted by ad at 12:53, 1/11/2009

Posts: 3262
I loved this game. I didn't realise it was Phil that made it.
  ^[ Log in to reply ]

The Icon Bar: News and features: Bunny Race