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The Icon Bar: News and features: Do your part for the RISC OS gaming scene

Do your part for the RISC OS gaming scene

Posted by Ed Willson on 18:14, 4/8/2005 | ,
At AcornArcade, we are always dedicated to keeping you up to date with the RISC OS gaming scene, and bringing you the best freeware, shareware and ex-commercial downloads available for the platform.

However, in order to continue doing what we do, we need your help.

We have come across some old games which we plan to release, the only problem being that they need certain !EasyWIMP modules to run.

These modules are extreemly hard to come by, and the only internet evidence of them existing, is that they were included in the Wimp Programmer's Toolkit, which itself is included with the RISC User in a Nutshell compilation CD.

Nobody on the AA team owns this CD, so if you have a copy, (or the original RISC User discs!) please dont wait to let us know, either by e-mail, or through our Forums


We now have the modules we wanted :)

Acres of thanks go to Owen Griffin, for being Ultra quick-off-the-mark in sending us a copy :-)
  Do your part for the RISC OS gaming scene
  (22:32 4/8/2005)
  Guest (11:17 6/8/2005)
    Anonymous (15:19 6/8/2005)
      Guest (21:39 15/8/2005)
        Eddy Willson (11:23 28/8/2005)
          Guest (10:47 29/8/2005)
            Guest (16:51 20/1/2006)
Guest Message #87755, posted at 22:32, 4/8/2005
Unregistered user I think the WIMP programmer's toolkit was also available in a subscription deal with Acorn User along with the BASIC programmer's toolkit.
I have both. :) Time to boot up the RISC PC...
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Guest Message #87756, posted at 11:17, 6/8/2005, in reply to message #87755
Unregistered user So what are the games?
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Anonymous Message #87757, posted at 15:19, 6/8/2005, in reply to message #87756
Unregistered user Wait and see!
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Guest Message #87758, posted at 21:39, 15/8/2005, in reply to message #87757
Unregistered user Still waiting ;)
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Eddy Willson Message #87759, posted at 11:23, 28/8/2005, in reply to message #87758
Unregistered user Only just back from a 2 week holiday, so havnt been able to do anything about this, however, I shall have another look at it soonish.
  ^[ Log in to reply ]
Guest Message #87760, posted at 10:47, 29/8/2005, in reply to message #87759
Unregistered user Go anywhere decent? Oh wait this isn't the Playpen :E
  ^[ Log in to reply ]
Guest Message #87761, posted at 16:51, 20/1/2006, in reply to message #87760
Unregistered user Nobody uses Acorns anymore so get over it and get a PC!
  ^[ Log in to reply ]

The Icon Bar: News and features: Do your part for the RISC OS gaming scene