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The Icon Bar: News and features: Games scene roundup

Games scene roundup

Posted by Michael Drake on 13:57, 10/6/2011 | , ,

Last month Alan Peters surprised everyone by announcing that TBA Software are back from the dead. Their back catalogue includes AXIS (which was awarded five stars by Acorn 32-Bit Gaming), Formula Two Thousand (FTT), Cyber Ape, Cobalt Seed, and BHP [Review].

TBA Software are sharing their progress on a new blog. Already they have released a 32-bit only version of their high performance image filing system, TBAFS.

They have started to produce a 32-bit version of their 3D graphics library and game runtime, TAG, and they are working on using extra features of modern ARMv7 CPUs to make it run even faster.

Another member of the TBA Software team, Martin Piper [Interview], has managed to render levels from BHP on Windows. Alan is hoping to get BHP running on the BeagleBoard XM in the near future.

In other news, the excellent RISC OS classic Inferno [Review] has been released for Apple iOS devices. There's no mention of support for Android devices. Paradise's website claims that Inferno is their "very first iPhone title", so perhaps we will see Overload [Review] and the long awaited Pocket Money / Toybox Dreams [Preview] make their way over to modern handheld devices too.

  Games scene roundup
  highlandcattle (19:23 3/7/2011)
  filecore (00:39 4/7/2011)
  trevj (06:31 4/7/2011)
van Engelen Thomas Message #118159, posted by highlandcattle at 19:23, 3/7/2011
Posts: 78
Never played this game. Looking forward in doing so
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Jason Togneri Message #118161, posted by filecore at 00:39, 4/7/2011, in reply to message #118159

Posts: 3867
I never did manage to get terribly far through Cobalt Seed unhappy
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Trevor Johnson Message #118162, posted by trevj at 06:31, 4/7/2011, in reply to message #118159
Posts: 660
Never played this game.
Me neither, just Burn 'Out.
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The Icon Bar: News and features: Games scene roundup