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The Icon Bar: News and features: New Archimedes emulator

New Archimedes emulator

Posted by Richard Goodwin on 10:23, 8/5/2002 | , , , ,
A new Archimedes emulator called ArcEm has been released which can run both RISC OS 3.1 (or earlier) and ARM Linux. With Archie and, more famously, Red Squirrel (aka VirtualA5000) already out there another emulator might not seem very exciting, but wait! Apart from being open source, this emulator is being developed on three different platforms - Dr. Dave Gilbert wrote the Unix version which will run on x86 Linux, ARM Linux (emulating ARM Linux on an ARM Linux machine anyone?) and Mac OS X. The usual suspects of Alex Macfarlane Smith, Ian Jeffray and Peter Naulls produced the RISC OS version and those Kino guys eQ R&D have knocked up the Windows version.

You can get your ArcEm from SourceForge at http://arcem.sourceforge.net/. Just don't ask where to get RISC OS ROMs...
  New Archimedes emulator
  (12:42 8/5/2002)
  Peter Naulls (12:48 8/5/2002)
    Mr Jake Monkeyson (12:54 8/5/2002)
      Peter Naulls (12:58 8/5/2002)
        James Shaw (13:09 8/5/2002)
          Peter Naulls (13:11 8/5/2002)
            Mr Jake Monkeyson (14:14 8/5/2002)
              Peter Naulls (14:30 8/5/2002)
                mark quint (17:08 8/5/2002)
                  Peter Naulls (17:28 8/5/2002)
                    Jeffrey Lee (18:48 8/5/2002)
                      Richard Goodwin (18:52 8/5/2002)
                        John Hoare (21:12 8/5/2002)
                          Guy Inchbald (21:40 8/5/2002)
                            mark quint (08:23 9/5/2002)
                              Richard Goodwin (09:40 9/5/2002)
                                Peter Naulls (09:46 9/5/2002)
                                  Mr Jake Monkeyson (11:46 9/5/2002)
                                    mark quint (16:33 9/5/2002)
                                      Peter Naulls (17:27 9/5/2002)
                                        Richard Walker (18:00 9/5/2002)
                                          Mr Jake Monkeyson (18:04 9/5/2002)
                                            Peter Naulls (18:15 9/5/2002)
                                              Mr Jake Monkeyson (18:41 9/5/2002)
                                                Mr Jake Monkeyson (18:52 9/5/2002)
                                                  John Hoare (09:00 10/5/2002)
                                                    Richard Walker (11:27 10/5/2002)
                                                      Mr Jake Monkeyson (11:36 10/5/2002)
Mr Jake Monkeyson Message #90945, posted at 12:42, 8/5/2002
Unregistered user Oooh! I am going to do things to my A5000 tonight, bring what I've done on a zip disc, and try the emulator on these linux boxes at uni.

Finally I will be able to use Draw here!
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Peter Naulls Message #90946, posted at 12:48, 8/5/2002, in reply to message #90945
Unregistered user I would note that you've been able to use Draw on unix using ArcEm since at least 1999 ;-)
This is just the latest incarnation, but good luck.
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Mr Jake Monkeyson Message #90947, posted at 12:54, 8/5/2002, in reply to message #90946
Unregistered user Really??? Doh...

Why didn't I find out about this sooner?!

It looks like a quality project. Could something like this be used to run RISC OS on 32-bit processors?
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Peter Naulls Message #90948, posted at 12:58, 8/5/2002, in reply to message #90947
Unregistered user x86 is (ish) a 32-bit processor. And what ARM mode do you think it's running in under ARM Linux on a RiscPC, NetWinder etc?

I know your question relates to 32-bit RISC OS, but I'll let you think about that a little bit before asking any more questions.
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James Shaw Message #90949, posted at 13:09, 8/5/2002, in reply to message #90948
Unregistered user Ooh. I've downloaded the ArmEm emulator. I haven't installed linux before - what's the root user password?
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Peter Naulls Message #90950, posted at 13:11, 8/5/2002, in reply to message #90949
Unregistered user There's no linux to "install". It's already set up for you.

Password? You haven't tried logging in yet as root, have you? :-)
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Mr Jake Monkeyson Message #90951, posted at 14:14, 8/5/2002, in reply to message #90950
Unregistered user Whoooo! It works!

I am now showing off the wonders of a default RISC OS 3.1 desktop to people in the lab. Comments range from "ooh what's that?" to "what's this rubbish you're doing now?"

Hmmm. Must get Windowmanager 3.98 and a hard drive installed and things.
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Peter Naulls Message #90952, posted at 14:30, 8/5/2002, in reply to message #90951
Unregistered user I have an empty 20MB filecore image I have yet to upload you'll be able to use.

If anyone's wondering where the Linux stuff is - I haven't uploaded those yet either. But there's a URL in the !ArcEm.!Help file if you want to find it yourself.
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mark quint Message #90953, posted at 17:08, 8/5/2002, in reply to message #90952
Unregistered user does it run in a window under windoze?
if so, it'd be quite interesting to try out ArmLinux on it :o
  ^[ Log in to reply ]
Peter Naulls Message #90954, posted at 17:28, 8/5/2002, in reply to message #90953
Unregistered user It runs in a Window (which you'd know if you tried it ;-) It'd be nice for someone to add a fullscreen option to it.

ARM Linux doesn't currently work correctly in the Windows version (which you'd know if you read the manual ;-)

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Jeffrey Lee Message #90955, posted at 18:48, 8/5/2002, in reply to message #90954
Unregistered user /me starts wishing he had copied the ROMs from his A3010 before the part-exchange for the RiscPC...
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Richard Goodwin Message #90956, posted at 18:52, 8/5/2002, in reply to message #90955
Unregistered user I'm sure that would have brought down upon your head the wrath of... well, someone anyway.
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John Hoare Message #90957, posted at 21:12, 8/5/2002, in reply to message #90956
Unregistered user I'll get angry about it of no-one else offers ;-) We need someone to get angry about it...
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Guy Inchbald Message #90958, posted at 21:40, 8/5/2002, in reply to message #90957
Unregistered user All we need now is an open source RISCOS ROM image functionality duplicator (not an emulator, of course) :)
  ^[ Log in to reply ]
mark quint Message #90959, posted at 08:23, 9/5/2002, in reply to message #90958
Unregistered user hrm,
so I could run ArmLinux under Linux then? ;)
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Richard Goodwin Message #90960, posted at 09:40, 9/5/2002, in reply to message #90959
Unregistered user Didn't I say that in the news item?
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Peter Naulls Message #90961, posted at 09:46, 9/5/2002, in reply to message #90960
Unregistered user Yes. Methinks it's time someone tried the program instead of asking questions ;-)
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Mr Jake Monkeyson Message #90962, posted at 11:46, 9/5/2002, in reply to message #90961
Unregistered user I've tried it and it wurks! I am now wondering whether I can use disk images with it (I can't use the real floppy drive with it as we have bizarre anti-floppy-mounting things going on at uni). I'm not asking a question, I'm merely stating a fact :)
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mark quint Message #90963, posted at 16:33, 9/5/2002, in reply to message #90962
Unregistered user :(
cant be bothered to install linux :P
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Peter Naulls Message #90964, posted at 17:27, 9/5/2002, in reply to message #90963
Unregistered user So install: RISC OS, MacOS X, Windows, FreeBSD, NetBSD, etc. ;-)
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Richard Walker Message #90965, posted at 18:00, 9/5/2002, in reply to message #90964
Unregistered user Hi all,

Wow. ArcEm has moved on a bit since I last looked! And I mean in every respect... the software *and* the web site (incl. docs).

I'm pleased to see support for different platforms (Win32, Unix and RISC OS) as it's making me wonder if I should investigate another (but not right at this moment).

I could look into a nice-ish disc image if anyone is interested.
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Mr Jake Monkeyson Message #90966, posted at 18:04, 9/5/2002, in reply to message #90965
Unregistered user Why are all the emulators being limited to pre Risc PC hardware? Is it the legal constraints, or technical?

I think Red Squirrel could unofficially run RISC OS 4, couldn't it? Can ArcEm run anything newer than 3.1?
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Peter Naulls Message #90967, posted at 18:15, 9/5/2002, in reply to message #90966
Unregistered user For the last time, please please please read both the ArcEm page and manual (linked from it) before asking such questions.
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Mr Jake Monkeyson Message #90968, posted at 18:41, 9/5/2002, in reply to message #90967
Unregistered user The question wasn't just aimed at ArcEm, which I did read about [I have no plans to add this, due to the time and research involved, but if someone else wanted to, I would be happy to help.]

Archie is just RISC OS 3.1, VA is...

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Mr Jake Monkeyson Message #90969, posted at 18:52, 9/5/2002, in reply to message #90968
Unregistered user But yes, it was in part a silly question. I had read the manual, kind of forgotten what it said, asked the silly question, then posted the above not-quite making sense reply.

I think I'll go stick my head in a bucket.
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John Hoare Message #90970, posted at 09:00, 10/5/2002, in reply to message #90969
Unregistered user I'll look into it over summer.
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Richard Walker Message #90971, posted at 11:27, 10/5/2002, in reply to message #90970
Unregistered user As someone who hasn't programmed a single line of code in any of the 'Archimedes' emulators... :-) All of the emulators emulate hardware. For example, an Archimedes 310 emulator would have to emulate ARM2, MEMC, VIDC10a, IOC and stuff like the 1772 floppy disc controller.

Virtual A5000, Archie and ArcEm emulate this kind of hardware, so they are constrained in exactly the same kind of way as the real hardware. For example, you can't go higher than RISC OS 3.1, and the maximum memory is 16 MB (if you emulate 4 MEMC controllers!).

Red Squirrel also contains emulations for later hardware with it's A7000 and Risc PC 700 models. Development versions of Red Squirrel (not available to the general public) have experimental features such as floating point 'hardware' (FPA-11 emulation) and StrongARM processor (SA-110) emulation. Since real A7000s and Risc PCs can run RISC OS versions later than 3.1 (e.g. 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 4.0, 4+) then so can Red Squirrel (if suitably configured).

Note that emulating these modern machines is a lot more work for the emulator, so it tends to be unusably slow, unless you employ some extra tricks, like...

...Red Squirrel has a 'just in time compiler' which, in essence, 'compiles' any ARM code to be emulated into Intel x86 code... so the code runs much faster (hence the name 'JIT compiler'... it happens 'just in time', and saves a lot of time!).

Virtual A5000 is a SUBSET of Red Squirrel. It's well-supported and easy-to-install. As it's name suggests, it's ONLY the A5000 part of Red Squirrel, which is why you can't run RISC OS 4 on it.

Thirty seconds on Google will get you all the relevant web sites. You people can do SOME work for yourselves! ;-)

P.S. The emulators can run more than RISC OS. ARM Linux, NetBSD/ARM{26/32}, RISC iX etc. spring to mind. Heck, what about Arthur... or ARX?! Impulse anyone?! :-)
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Mr Jake Monkeyson Message #90972, posted at 11:36, 10/5/2002, in reply to message #90971
Unregistered user I tried the Arthur ROM and got only a blank screen. It was only a very quick try though.
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The Icon Bar: News and features: New Archimedes emulator