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The Icon Bar: News and features: New column: Nathan's take on RISC OS gaming

New column: Nathan's take on RISC OS gaming

Posted by Richard Goodwin on 16:44, 28/11/2000 | ,
So many people complaining about the state of RISC OS gaming, so few people doing something about it. Nathan takes a look at some of the problems associated with game production.

Nathan's column

  New column: Nathan's take on RISC OS gaming
  (13:24 29/11/2000)
  Andreww (13:35 29/11/2000)
    Rich Goodwin (09:49 30/11/2000)
      Wrath (10:01 30/11/2000)
        Junior (21:54 6/1/2001)
Wrath Message #86813, posted at 13:24, 29/11/2000
Unregistered user Oooo, I can see a flame war starting :)
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Andreww Message #86814, posted at 13:35, 29/11/2000, in reply to message #86813
Unregistered user This guy sounds like somebody important :-)
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Rich Goodwin Message #86815, posted at 09:49, 30/11/2000, in reply to message #86814
Unregistered user It's Nathan Walker/Atkinson, of VoTI. Wasn't sure what surname to use so I just used "Nathan" :)

As for flame wars, well, it was kind of written because it looked like the forum was going to break out in a minor one anyway.
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Wrath Message #86816, posted at 10:01, 30/11/2000, in reply to message #86815
Unregistered user We want flame wars, it starts publicity! ;)
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Junior Message #86817, posted at 21:54, 6/1/2001, in reply to message #86816
Unregistered user Flame wars.... what kind of idea is this anyway ?
If it´s too cold at your place,you can still buy a
RimTel Pontium III (I´ll tell outside) and shut down the
nitrogen cooling...
If you really want to increase postings,just include
censored keywords and all the perverts in the net will
load the site to have a look ;) .
I suggest,we do a contest for the best,worst and silliest
subjects to discuss....
(No offence meant,just kidding !)
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The Icon Bar: News and features: New column: Nathan's take on RISC OS gaming