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The Icon Bar: News and features: Presents all round from the Unix Porting Project

Presents all round from the Unix Porting Project

Posted by Jeffrey Lee on 17:49, 26/12/2004 | ,
Early yesterday morning the Unix Porting Project announced the release an Iyonix port of Wesnoth, a popular turn-based fantasy-themed battle game. The game can be downloaded here from drobe.co.uk, with a hope that older versions of RISC OS will be supported in the future.

Other recent releases from the UPP include glHack (NetHack with OpenGL graphics, for those who aren't fond of the ASCII version), Sim City clone LinCity, adventure game engine ScummVM, and a faster version of the platformer SuperTux.

All of these games and the many other programs offered by the Unix Porting Project wouldn't have been possible without the great work of Peter Naulls, Alan Buckley, and many others, so don't forget to Sign UPP! and show your support today!
  Presents all round from the Unix Porting Project
  (20:17 27/12/2004)
  Guest (16:39 31/12/2004)
    Eddy Willson (17:51 31/12/2004)
      Guest (21:11 1/1/2005)
Guest Message #87713, posted at 20:17, 27/12/2004
Unregistered user ScummVM - do you mean graphic adventure? Not text adventure is it?
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Guest Message #87714, posted at 16:39, 31/12/2004, in reply to message #87713
Unregistered user I thought David McEwen had already ported Scumm?
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Eddy Willson Message #87715, posted at 17:51, 31/12/2004, in reply to message #87714
Unregistered user So did I actually
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Guest Message #87716, posted at 21:11, 1/1/2005, in reply to message #87715
Unregistered user David McEwen's port of ScummVM is very old now. The UPP port is up to date and supports far more games, such as Broken Sword 1 & 2.
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The Icon Bar: News and features: Presents all round from the Unix Porting Project