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The Icon Bar: News and features: Preview - Santa Cool

Preview - Santa Cool

Posted by Andy Spence on 00:00, 2/1/2005 | , ,
Santa Cool

Santa Cool in game
Santa Cool is a pet project of mine which I started a long time ago and haven't really done much on since. The idea was for it to be a PD game for the RiscPC that could be released around Christmas time, for obvious reasons. I can't even pretend that I can program and the coding is very bad basic, but I feel that it could be a very playable public domain platformer. You can see 4 snapshots down this page from the only four levels that are yet in existance (click on them to load the full size picture). I have spent a lot of time creating all
the pre-rendered graphics in 3D and the result is a set of high quality graphics.

Santa Cool in gameAt the moment, the only features that are implemented are: A complete platform system; ability to create level maps manually; two baddies with adjustable variables and the ability to create more (when I get around to creating the graphics); different types of animated bonuses; a lives system for the main character; spikes and huge snow balls that kill Santa; switches/doors.
Santa Cool in gameAt present, the aim of the game is to avoid being killed (not touching the moving baddies or other hazards) and to collect all the bonuses on each screen before moving on to the next. I plan to add moving blocks and additional hazards when I get the time but I need your input.

What I want to know is do you people think its worth my effort? I have exams in the immediate future, but after that I have lot of spare time.
Santa Cool in game
I want to set the standard for design and presentation with this game because I feel that this is something that is often neglected in most RiscOS PD, budget and commercial games. Please let me know what you think by emailing me. I have uploaded a zipped demo below, for you to download. Please read the 'Help.txt' file inside. Please include any comments, ideas or recommendations. Cheers.
Santa Cool Zip download. 89k

All information and contact details here are as of 17th April 2000, and thus very outdated

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The Icon Bar: News and features: Preview - Santa Cool