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The Icon Bar: News and features: Quickies for early March (updated)

Quickies for early March (updated)

Posted by Richard Goodwin on 17:06, 4/3/2002 | , , , , , ,
Squeak help needed - Tim Rowledge is looking for programmers that can help with getting some of the features from the original Mac version of Smalltalk into his RISC OS port of Squeak. Features currently missing are mainly to do with sound, including MIDI playback, and serial port access. A lot of good educational resources are available for Squeak, so here's your chance to step up to the plate, as they say in America...
Link: Squeak

Graphical effects - I've just been told that Rob Davison, he of Compo fame, has released an early version of his new bitmap effects prog Variations to download. It seems to work very much like texture explorers - one main image in the middle, with eight variations ringing it - and offers some cool filters from saturation to funky shaded masks. Update: a slightly newer version is now hosted on his TIB subdomain due to various problems on some of his other sites.
Link: Variations

ArtWorks transparency preview - Martin's got a page up here showing how transparency will work when his new Crystal module is released later this month. Mmm... More on this when it's released.
Link: Crystal

Old Computers - And after updating my own computer museum, a posting on Slashdot about the old Domesday Project being unreadable after only 15 years (The Domesday Project used BBC Masters using a custom laserdisc system to produce a wealth of information about the UK in 1986, the modern equivalent of the account taken after William I moved into his new home) lead me on a tour of other obsolete hardware museums with Acorn kit in them. These include Binary Dinosaurs, The Machine Room/Tardis, Old-Computers.com, Heimcomputer, Kevan's Computer Collection and many more.
  Quickies for early March (updated)
  (17:18 4/3/2002)
  Guest (17:34 4/3/2002)
    Richard Goodwin (17:40 4/3/2002)
      Guest (19:10 4/3/2002)
        John Hoare (20:55 4/3/2002)
          Anonymous (09:41 5/3/2002)
            Richard Goodwin (09:54 5/3/2002)
              Guest (12:47 5/3/2002)
                Michael Drake (18:06 5/3/2002)
                  Richard Goodwin (18:07 5/3/2002)
                    Andrew P Harmsworth (22:42 5/3/2002)
                      John Hoare (14:06 6/3/2002)
Mr Jake Monkeyson Message #90436, posted at 17:18, 4/3/2002
Unregistered user Variations looks snazzy. Good work!

I'm working with the Camelion lot as part of my final year project at uni. I got the chance to play with one of the (semi)working Domesday machines. Fantastic. The Domesday project puts a lot of current multimedia resources to shame.
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Guest Message #90437, posted at 17:34, 4/3/2002, in reply to message #90436
Unregistered user Richard: Loved the stuff about the old computers. Thanks!

Didn't the BBC Master used to run the Domesday project have a custom built interface in it?

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Richard Goodwin Message #90438, posted at 17:40, 4/3/2002, in reply to message #90437
Unregistered user One of the problems getting the Domesday book converted to modern machines is that there's a lot of custom stuff in it :( And at 5000 UKP at the time (15 years ago) there aren't too many of them out there.

I do remember playing with one at College though, for the maps alone it was a really good resource.

BTW folks, it looks like www.domesdaybook.co.uk has been Slashdotted, as it worked this morning and won't display now. It's in the Google cache though.
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Guest Message #90439, posted at 19:10, 4/3/2002, in reply to message #90438
Unregistered user Smalltalk - brings back fond memories of my University Computer Science lab :)
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John Hoare Message #90440, posted at 20:55, 4/3/2002, in reply to message #90439
Unregistered user Variations looks nice :-)
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Anonymous Message #90441, posted at 09:41, 5/3/2002, in reply to message #90440
Unregistered user Will variations work with Compo, Rob? e.g. PCA
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Richard Goodwin Message #90442, posted at 09:54, 5/3/2002, in reply to message #90441
Unregistered user It is PCA, I know that much. And given who wrote both apps... :)
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Guest Message #90443, posted at 12:47, 5/3/2002, in reply to message #90442
Unregistered user Big problem with converting the BBC's Doomsday book to another standard, is the agreement that every contributor signed didn't allow for the BBC to reprint it in another form without seeking permission from everybody again. Big cockup, really.
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Michael Drake Message #90444, posted at 18:06, 5/3/2002, in reply to message #90443
Unregistered user The new links to variations are broken, I think.

The current one is:

but this:



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Richard Goodwin Message #90445, posted at 18:07, 5/3/2002, in reply to message #90444
Unregistered user mod_speling (sic) sorts it out though.
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Andrew P Harmsworth Message #90446, posted at 22:42, 5/3/2002, in reply to message #90445
Unregistered user Variations doesn't just look nice, it works superbly too! I dropped a picture of (cough) Britney into it, and it can do lovely things, you know! :-)

I'm impressed.
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John Hoare Message #90447, posted at 14:06, 6/3/2002, in reply to message #90446
Unregistered user Britney? You want to try Eliza Dushku...
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The Icon Bar: News and features: Quickies for early March (updated)