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The Icon Bar: News and features: ROOL updates DDE

ROOL updates DDE

Posted by Mark Stephens on 07:45, 4/3/2021 |
ROOL has released an updated version of the DDE toolset for RISC OS. This is still release 30, but adds some powerful new features.

The big ones are some major updates to ObjAsm to support the latest ARMv8.6 instructions and IEEE floating point instructions. There is also support for a new data type (BFloat16). This is used to develop Neural Networks, so expect to see its of AI related comments about this release. We all know the original Terminator used a 6502 chip (you can bore your techie friends when you see the 6502 mnemonics appear on Arnie's screen display in the film) so long overdue for an update to ARM.
There is a fairly extensive list of other improvements to several other tools, including the linker and the BASIC Compiler, and the usual bug fixes.
The software is a free update to recent users or can be purchased directly from the ROOL website
The software is provides as a complete zip - no need to copy over an existing installation.
Another welcome update for RISC OS Development (especially as a free update for many).
News announcement
  ROOL updates DDE
  nytrex (21:32 7/3/2021)
Alan Robertson Message #125095, posted by nytrex at 21:32, 7/3/2021
Posts: 111
The development cycle of the DDE has increased significantly over the the past 24 months and we are beginning to see some very useful improvements. I can't wait to see what future versions bring.
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The Icon Bar: News and features: ROOL updates DDE