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The Icon Bar: News and features: The Lone Programmer

The Lone Programmer

Posted by Richard Goodwin on 11:35, 2/4/2001 | ,
There's a new column up from Nathan of VotI, which attempts to answer the posting on the forum - are the days of the lone games programmer numbered?
  The Lone Programmer
  (08:15 5/4/2001)
  David McEwen (10:18 5/4/2001)
    Andrew Weston (16:47 12/4/2001)
      Rich Goodwin (11:53 13/4/2001)
        Nathan (12:07 14/4/2001)
Lee Johnston Message #86926, posted at 08:15, 5/4/2001
Unregistered user By amazing coincidence there is an article at


which really drives home just how much up against it RISC OS games developers are. If you had no idea just how much PC games cost before then you should really check this article out.
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David McEwen Message #86927, posted at 10:18, 5/4/2001, in reply to message #86926
Unregistered user Note that the example team that they show is smaller than average these days. There are generally more artists, animators,... Big games from Japanese developers have teams much much larger - Shenmue had over 100 people for example.
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Andrew Weston Message #86928, posted at 16:47, 12/4/2001, in reply to message #86927
Unregistered user This relates to what Jan Klose said in Acorn User about being able to compete with PC games, at least at a level which the current hardware permits.
Nathan has also explained the pros and cons of working in a group.
Despite the large budgets and deveopment teams I'm convinced even a moderate improvement in software standards/resources on RISC OS combined with teamwork can enable very high quality RISC OS games. And despite the technical advances which have enabled PC users to pull ahead, RO games can still be developed and then improved with the expertise gained whilst we are waiting for hardware deveopments ourselves.
A comment in the TEK special of AU was along the lines of 'the game won't be as good as a PC game but..' but given better software and perhaps better teamwork (more members etc), can we ever compete or come close to the best of the PC games?
I'm inclined to say 'yes' but what do others think?
Maybe Nathan would be able to write an article on this as well!!
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Rich Goodwin Message #86929, posted at 11:53, 13/4/2001, in reply to message #86928
Unregistered user I for one am all for Nathan writing more articles ;)
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Nathan Message #86930, posted at 12:07, 14/4/2001, in reply to message #86929
Unregistered user Do I have a say in this? ;)
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The Icon Bar: News and features: The Lone Programmer