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The Icon Bar: News and features: VICE updated again to 1.13

VICE updated again to 1.13

Posted by The Doctor on 23:30, 29/9/2003 | ,
The best C64 emulator has been updated again in line with the main distribution. There are no extra features this time but there is an important change!

The DigitalRenderer module that was previously supplied with VICE is now only available as a separate download. This is because there are now various other programs that have started using it recently.
DRenderer is now available from Andreas' website and should be installed inside the !Boot.Resources.!System.Modules directory on most machines with a vaguely modern Boot sequence.

I should also mention that VICE also seems to support the RISC OS interactive help which is very helpfull for describing the effects of the many options in the configuration screens.
This option may have been present for a long time, but so many people overlook it (including myself) that I thought it worth mentioning.

Get these latest goodies from Andreas' website.
  VICE updated again to 1.13
  (12:25 30/9/2003)
  Guest (15:14 30/9/2003)
    Guest (17:13 30/9/2003)
      Guest (17:14 30/9/2003)
        Guest (19:09 30/9/2003)
          Guest (19:41 30/9/2003)
Guest Message #87570, posted at 12:25, 30/9/2003
Unregistered user Doctor - did you get my email?
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Guest Message #87571, posted at 15:14, 30/9/2003, in reply to message #87570
Unregistered user Erm, probably not, but then I don't know who you are so I might have.
Try resending it to me;
thedoctor at thedeathzone dot free-online dot co dot uk
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Guest Message #87572, posted at 17:13, 30/9/2003, in reply to message #87571
Unregistered user No that's unroutable Doc. Just tried it. Originally posted to your AA address asking for a Descent screenshot if possible.

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Guest Message #87573, posted at 17:14, 30/9/2003, in reply to message #87572
Unregistered user Whoops -missed the hyphen. Try again.
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Guest Message #87574, posted at 19:09, 30/9/2003, in reply to message #87573
Unregistered user Nope, still not got it.
I wonder if it's being deleted by AntiSpam.
Never mind, send it to my yahoo account instead.
That's ' fwibbler@yahoo.com '
The Doctor
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Guest Message #87575, posted at 19:41, 30/9/2003, in reply to message #87574
Unregistered user Actually, having read that again, I can tell you now that the only screenshot I have for Descent is the one on the AcornArcade front page.
It's not one of the high res images that the game is now capable of.
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The Icon Bar: News and features: VICE updated again to 1.13