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The Icon Bar: News and features: We're back!

We're back!

Posted by Tim Fountain on 22:45, 6/11/2000 | ,
No really, we mean it this time. Acorn Arcade is back with a fresh new look, new sections and updated content - and there's plenty more to come. AA is now sitting on the same server as our sister site, The Icon Bar, which means we get to use some of TIB's fancy PHP code. This means a more regularly updated news page, comment-able articles such as our reviews; and our very own swanky forum to allow you to discuss all aspects of the RISC OS games scene and share your views on the site.

There are still a few bugs to iron out, but you can help us get through them by emailing the details to me when you spot them. Also, our online shop is going to be unavailable for a little while longer, but when it's back you'll be able to save even more money on the latest and greatest RISC OS titles.

  We're back!
  (03:24 7/11/2000)
  [Steve] (21:13 7/11/2000)
    Rich Mackin (01:53 9/11/2000)
      Tim Fountain (12:53 9/11/2000)
        Andrew Weston (00:44 10/11/2000)
Gareth Moore Message #86799, posted at 03:24, 7/11/2000
Unregistered user Very smart! I like it. ;)
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[Steve] Message #86800, posted at 21:13, 7/11/2000, in reply to message #86799
Unregistered user Looks terrible go jump off a bridge :P

Sorry I mean looks nice - at least it's a whole lot less brown :)
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Rich Mackin Message #86801, posted at 01:53, 9/11/2000, in reply to message #86800
Unregistered user I like the new look... very stylish, it's about time it had a change-around... One question: Why the Phoebe article?
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Tim Fountain Message #86802, posted at 12:53, 9/11/2000, in reply to message #86801
Unregistered user We never remove old articles, so we thought we might as well link to them. Same with old previews.
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Andrew Weston Message #86803, posted at 00:44, 10/11/2000, in reply to message #86802
Unregistered user I can't make a comment on the SF3000 or Exile news articles!
Otherwise, good to see coverage back.
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The Icon Bar: News and features: We're back!