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The Icon Bar: News and features: New RiscStation laptop pic - well, kinda.

New RiscStation laptop pic - well, kinda.

Posted by Richard Goodwin on 12:38, 1/2/2001 | , , ,
The RiscStation website has a "last updated" datestamp of, well, either today or tomorrow (Friday 1st - Friday's the 2nd of February isn't it?). The only major change I can see so far is the picture of the portable:


It's shown running RISC OS, but looking at the jaggies around the windows, and especially the top of the screen, it's a crude mockup (hardly suprising as the site's designed using "NetObjects Fusion 2.0.2 for Windows" ;). What this means about the current state of readiness of the machine I'll leave for you to speculate. However, it's interesting to see a sticker bottom-right of the keyboard sporting ARM and RISC OS 4 logos in an "Intel inside" style though.

  New RiscStation laptop pic - well, kinda.
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William Black Message #88293, posted at 01:07, 13/2/2001, in reply to message #88292
Unregistered user Castle refuse to acknowledge likely specs because specs can change through development.

I don't think it's lack of Kinetic sales, I think it's more being professional and being able to supply a product when they say they can that they are concerned about. The only way to do this is to have stock ready when you announce the product. Also, the specs will be as announced because they'll have a great pile of machines in their warehouse.

So it's better that companies lay their cards on the table and then get accused of vapourware and end up being the subject of many discussions similar to this?

Castle could well come up with something very impressive. In fact, I'd be suprised if they didn't bring out a superior machine.

Who gives two hoots about the case? I wouldn't mind betting you complained about Phoebe being yellow. The RiscPC is expandable, attractive and what's more it looks unique. You know it's an Acorn RiscPC. With RS and to a certain extent MD, their boxes are as dull as dishwater.
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Anon Message #88294, posted at 01:19, 15/2/2001, in reply to message #88293
Unregistered user It's a unique case yes, but it's a silly internal design- really rather poorly thought out. And yes, you are right, it's an instant reminder of Acorn. A bad memory now that new machines are coming out.

Like I said, I respect Castles professionalism with respect to announcing stuff.

And no, I did not complain about the colour of the Phoebe case...
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Annraoi Message #88295, posted at 19:44, 16/2/2001, in reply to message #88294
Unregistered user Another reason for not pre-announcing things (a trick Acorn was not unknown for doing) was it hit sales of your current product.

The Phoebe announcement probably made it very difficult to shift RPC's.

I won't fault MD or RiscStation for being gutsy enough to go against the trends and push a (broadly) Acorn platform. My only issue is particularly with MD specifying specific dates (e.g., DECEMBER) for Omega in as late as November without anyone outside them having seen a prototype.

It was patently obvious that it was IMPOSSIBLE for there to be a December launch - so why forecast one ?

The RS portable may or may not happen, the problem is that they leave the punter feeling that it "may" or "may not" happen (as if RS aren't sure themselves). That sort of thing gives people the heebe-geebes and does wonders for potential sales.

I would query why the VIDC and IOMD can't be adapted for use (with the SA-110 as CPU) in a portable. Of course that presumes that Castle would share their supply (with remuneration). Charge £1500 or so for it (Castle gets some dosh for a machine they've taken no risk with) and RS deliver a portable that would go down big time and be a good earner too.

A word to the wise guys - aim HIGH, people find it difficult to get excited about a 7500FE an StrongARM portable with a good LCD screen would be a good seller alright.
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Robert Message #88296, posted at 20:53, 16/2/2001, in reply to message #88295
Unregistered user I suppose the reason why they haven't used SA in the portable is because it would need IOMD and VIDC like you say. This would be unacceptably expensive to the punter. I reckon you'd be looking at 1750-200ukp.
Personally, I couldn't give two hoots what processor it has. The RS desktop machines are fairly nippy, so the 7500FE sems like a good choice IMHO.

As for Omega. It's coming, it would be here if it were not for delayed chips. Or am I being naive?
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The Icon Bar: News and features: New RiscStation laptop pic - well, kinda.