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The Icon Bar: Site Comments: Poll
  andrew (20:24 24/4/2007)
  monkeyson2 (10:51 25/4/2007)
    andrew (12:46 25/4/2007)
      flibble (13:31 25/4/2007)
        andypoole (14:02 25/4/2007)
      rich (15:04 25/4/2007)
Andrew Message #101725, posted by andrew at 20:24, 24/4/2007
HandbagHandbag Boi
Posts: 3439
How difficult would it be to install a poll facility for this forum?
Is it not possible to more or less paste in the script to do it from another forum?
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Phil Mellor Message #101741, posted by monkeyson2 at 10:51, 25/4/2007, in reply to message #101725
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380
I've been thinking about doing something like this for a while.

Unfortunately thinking != doing unhappy
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Andrew Message #101745, posted by andrew at 12:46, 25/4/2007, in reply to message #101741
HandbagHandbag Boi
Posts: 3439
How hard is it to do?
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Peter Howkins Message #101746, posted by flibble at 13:31, 25/4/2007, in reply to message #101745

Posts: 891
How hard is it to do?
* Very Hard
* Quite Hard
* Mildly Tricky
* Dead Easy
* I'm Still too lazy
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Andrew Poole Message #101747, posted by andypoole at 14:02, 25/4/2007, in reply to message #101746
Mouse enthusiast

Posts: 5558
How hard is it to do?
* Very Hard
* Quite Hard
* Mildly Tricky
* Dead Easy
* I'm Still too lazy
All of the above.
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Richard Goodwin Message #101750, posted by rich at 15:04, 25/4/2007, in reply to message #101745
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
How hard is it to do?
Well, it has to be written first (in fact, the database structure for it already exists) and we're all too lazy, so not exactly trivial wink

It's on that nebulous to do list though, if only to make the front page poll work better.
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The Icon Bar: Site Comments: Poll