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The Icon Bar: Games: !RiscTyrian, port of OpenTyrian
  !RiscTyrian, port of OpenTyrian
  franck (15:30 4/11/2012)
  swirlythingy (18:16 4/11/2012)
    franck (18:39 4/11/2012)
      swirlythingy (20:49 4/11/2012)
Franck Martinaux Message #121384, posted by franck at 15:30, 4/11/2012
Posts: 25

I made a version of OpenTyrian for RISC OS called !RiscTyrian
You can download it here :

Features :
- Home made RGB Scanline effect
- Play full speed on Beagleboard XM in 1280x800

Requirements :

RISC OS 5.18+
Armv6+ CPU (Raspberry Pi, Beagleboard, or Pandaboard)

Limitations and known issue :
- VERY SLOW on Raspberry Pi
- Your monitor needs to support a resolution of 1280x800
- Any other scaler than the one implemented is supported
- Support of config file removed.

Have Fun.
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Martin Bazley Message #121387, posted by swirlythingy at 18:16, 4/11/2012, in reply to message #121384

Posts: 460
Is my ship supposed to keep drifting to the left like that? It makes flying really awkward.
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Franck Martinaux Message #121388, posted by franck at 18:39, 4/11/2012, in reply to message #121387
Posts: 25

That is surely because the input settings is "mouse"
Try to play with your mouse or change the setup for keyboard.

Hope it helps
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Martin Bazley Message #121390, posted by swirlythingy at 20:49, 4/11/2012, in reply to message #121388

Posts: 460
That is surely because the input settings is "mouse"
That's quite some achievement, given that the only two input settings I could find are "keyboard" and "joystick". How do I go about turning off this secret "mouse" option?
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The Icon Bar: Games: !RiscTyrian, port of OpenTyrian