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The Icon Bar: General: Star Fighter and Chocks Away @ ROUGOL 17/11/2014
  Star Fighter and Chocks Away @ ROUGOL 17/11/2014
  helpful (18:58 14/11/2014)
  Matt (17:40 16/11/2014)
    sa_scott (09:25 18/11/2014)
      helpful (03:24 24/11/2014)
        Stoppers (06:19 24/11/2014)
          VincceH (09:01 24/11/2014)
        davidb (15:38 24/11/2014)
Bryan Hogan Message #123435, posted by helpful at 18:58, 14/11/2014
Posts: 252
The next meeting of the RISC OS User Group Of London on Monday 17th November 2014 will be a talk about games development by Andrew Hutchings, author of Chocks Away and Star Fighter 3000.

Andrew will tell us about how he started out in games programming and how his interest in 3D graphics led him to move on to the Archimedes due to the potential offered by its processing power. The success of that strategy is clear to see in the quality of games he produced.

Star Fighter 3000 generated interest from outside the RISC OS world and it was subsequently ported to other platforms, starting with the 3DO (by Fednet) and then the Playstation, Saturn and PC.

Andrew still works in the games industry, usually as a part of a large development team, but has recently released a new game himself based on Star Fighter, called Space Fighter 4000 smile

[Edited by helpful at 18:58, 14/11/2014]
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Matthew Thompson Message #123437, posted by Matt at 17:40, 16/11/2014, in reply to message #123435
Posts: 11
He was also interviewed in a recent Retro Gamer, and gives the reason to why Spitfire Fury never happened.
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Stephen Scott Message #123438, posted by sa_scott at 09:25, 18/11/2014, in reply to message #123437
Posts: 73
Attended the talk, he also alluded to why the game never happened. Entirely understandable. I doubt he would have been able to bottle lightning a second time. smile

It was a great presentation, very enlightening, with some lovely anecdotes peppered throughout.
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Bryan Hogan Message #123443, posted by helpful at 03:24, 24/11/2014, in reply to message #123438
Posts: 252
Following on from Monday's meeting, the full SF3000 is now free to download:


A recording of the presentation is online:


Also a clearer picture of Andrew here:


All in all, a rather successful meeting big smile

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Simon Willcocks Message #123444, posted by Stoppers at 06:19, 24/11/2014, in reply to message #123443
Posts: 302
All in all, a rather successful meeting
It was.

Here's an example of working collision detection, but it still leaves a bit to be desired...

User Included Picture
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VinceH Message #123445, posted by VincceH at 09:01, 24/11/2014, in reply to message #123444
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
Here's an example of working collision detection, but it still leaves a bit to be desired...
Yeah, that plane has clearly collided with the upper branches of that tree. No way would it have disabled the entire tree's cloaking device - maybe for some of those branches, but not the whole thing. wink
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David Boddie Message #123446, posted by davidb at 15:38, 24/11/2014, in reply to message #123443
Posts: 147
Thanks to Andrew for an interesting presentation and to Leo for recording it! smile

I never suspected that the game was developed in the way it was. I remember when the demo suddenly burst onto the scene and raised the bar for everyone else who was writing their own 3D game. wink
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The Icon Bar: General: Star Fighter and Chocks Away @ ROUGOL 17/11/2014