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The Icon Bar: General: Acorn A3010 Documentary
  Acorn A3010 Documentary
  nostalgianerd (00:52 20/2/2016)
  justice (21:26 21/2/2016)
    PaulV (20:33 23/2/2016)
  PaulV (19:39 23/2/2016)
  spaceboy (20:21 19/12/2016)
Nostalgia Nerd Message #123795, posted by nostalgianerd at 00:52, 20/2/2016
Posts: 1
Hello everyone,

I'm new to the forum and just wanted to drop my latest documentary.

Well, I say documentary.... I've spent a good wedge of time creating a new video reviewing the A3010, including a brief history.

If you feel so inclined, I'd be grateful if you could take a look at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjDaaY9ceN0

I've been spending quite a bit of time on this and my A7000. I didn't get a chance to use them heavily in the 90s, but I'm glad I can appreciate their sleakness now.

Please feel free to give me abuse, comments or anything else you feel the desire to!

Thank you!

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Dave Lawton Message #123796, posted by justice at 21:26, 21/2/2016, in reply to message #123795
Posts: 40
Quite enjoyed watching it.
A small point, the A3000 wasn't the last to have BBC branding, it was the A3020. You make this incorrect statement in the early part, and then correct yourself later when you mention the A3020.

I think also that the video resolutions stated are incorrect, though I would have to dig out a machine to check, not the easiest thing to do ATM.

A nod to the latest, & current hardware to run RISCOS, RaspberryPi, MX6, Titanium, BeagleBoard etc. would not go amiss.

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Paul Vernon Message #123797, posted by PaulV at 19:39, 23/2/2016, in reply to message #123795
Posts: 135
Nice use of copyrighted images without permission! I know because I took them!

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Paul Vernon Message #123798, posted by PaulV at 20:33, 23/2/2016, in reply to message #123796
Posts: 135
Pretty sure I've never seen an A3020 with BBC branding on it... If you have a photo of one I'd be most interested in seeing it.

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Mike Powell Message #123972, posted by spaceboy at 20:21, 19/12/2016, in reply to message #123795
Posts: 2
I enjoyed the video very much, the 3010 looks like a great machine unfortunately I never owned an Acorn, having an Amiga 1200 for many years, but now see that it was superior in many ways. It's a shame it was not more of a success.
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The Icon Bar: General: Acorn A3010 Documentary