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The Icon Bar: General: USB Mouse with Risc PC
  USB Mouse with Risc PC
  ad (21:42 16/12/2019)
  ad (12:53 17/12/2019)
    davidb (11:31 18/12/2019)
      chienhm (09:48 26/12/2019)
        ad (13:42 18/1/2020)
    CJE (13:20 26/5/2021)
  cmj (22:05 20/1/2020)
Andrew Duffell Message #124664, posted by ad at 21:42, 16/12/2019

Posts: 3262
My mother has a Kinetic RiscPc that she still uses alongside a windows PC
Her Acorn mouse is failing, and I was hoping to use the USB mouse on a KVM switch (the screen and keyboard already use this).
Is there anywhere I can get either a USB podule or adapter to allow this that won't cost the earth? Does anyone have one they will sell me?
Thanks in advance.
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Andrew Duffell Message #124665, posted by ad at 12:53, 17/12/2019, in reply to message #124664

Posts: 3262
Wonder if this might be a solution:

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David Boddie Message #124666, posted by davidb at 11:31, 18/12/2019, in reply to message #124665
Posts: 147
I think SmallyMouse is what you're looking for. You can read more about it on the project's website (SmallyMouse2 – Universal USB to Quadrature Mouse Adapter) and on the CJE Micro's product page.
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Chien Hoang Message #124669, posted by chienhm at 09:48, 26/12/2019, in reply to message #124666
Posts: 1
I prefer this SmallyMouse2 USB to Quadrature mouse interface for Acorn, RiscPC, BBC A3000 etc. You can buy it on Amazon
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Andrew Duffell Message #124702, posted by ad at 13:42, 18/1/2020, in reply to message #124669

Posts: 3262
Went for the SmallyMouse2 and it works great!

Thank you all.
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Chris Johns Message #124706, posted by cmj at 22:05, 20/1/2020, in reply to message #124664
Posts: 9
This reminds me to finish off my podule to do just that. The boards are in, now I just need to finish off the software. And fix the hardware issues that I find smile
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Chris Evans Message #125133, posted by CJE at 13:20, 26/5/2021, in reply to message #124665
CJE Micros chap
Posts: 228
Wonder if this might be a solution:

Yes but the above link no longer works as we had to do a special version for the A3000, so the name changed. New link:https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/123201867205
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The Icon Bar: General: USB Mouse with Risc PC