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The Icon Bar: General: Getting EFF2 fonts installed on RISC OS 5.24
  Getting EFF2 fonts installed on RISC OS 5.24
  arenaman (22:27 24/1/2020)
  arenaman (22:36 24/1/2020)
    cmj (00:15 25/1/2020)
      svrsig (09:30 23/9/2020)
Michael Stubbs Message #124717, posted by arenaman at 22:27, 24/1/2020
Posts: 114
I'm having some serious problems getting fonts installed on RISC OS 5.24 and wonder if any of you chaps can help.

So, I was struggling to get the EFF2 (Electronic Font Foundry CD 2) to work on my Pi 2B, which turned out to be a power issue. I copied the fonts from the CD to an external hard drive on my Mac, then copied from this drive to the Pi.

I then copied the fonts into the !Fonts directory, and nothing happened upon restarting.

I then created another !Fonts directory, moved the new fonts to it, and used the official merge facility. Nothing.

I then deleted the messages text file that holds a list of fonts, merged the two !Fonts again, and a new text file was not created.

The end result is no EFF2 fonts installed.

Obviously, coming from a PC formatted CD, everything is in capitals, and I think that is part of the problem, along with some file types being wrong. Presumably the software used to fix this as it copied fronts from the CD to RISC OS.

I'm thinking of trying Aemulor to get the software running, but I have a feeling the software is set up for an older !Boot structure and won't work. Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions getting this done manually if the Aemulor route doesn't work, which is the expected result...
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Michael Stubbs Message #124718, posted by arenaman at 22:36, 24/1/2020, in reply to message #124717
Posts: 114
Well, I got Aemulor running and tried to load up the EFF application and it simply froze the whole machine, ending with unplugging the power. There must surely be a way of getting this done, but I cannot for the life of me come up with a solution. I'm no programmer so sadly cannot knock up a program to do this!
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Chris Johns Message #124719, posted by cmj at 00:15, 25/1/2020, in reply to message #124718
Posts: 9
A bit convoluted but could you install then into a virtual RiscPC, then make a risc os zip file (to preserve case and types) of the fonts then merge them into your Pi?

[Edited by cmj at 00:15, 25/1/2020]
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Chris Hall Message #124949, posted by svrsig at 09:30, 23/9/2020, in reply to message #124719
Posts: 42
Use VRPC. Or connect a USB CD drive to your Pi.

Or create a zip under RISC OS. Or create an '.iso' of the CD and load it on RISC OS with CDROMFS or CDFaker.

The problem is likely to be file type information lost by creating a zip on a foreign filing system.
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The Icon Bar: General: Getting EFF2 fonts installed on RISC OS 5.24