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The Icon Bar: Programming: Releasing on the Net
  Releasing on the Net
  (10:58 18/12/2000)
  rich (13:14 18/12/2000)
  Gulli (15:20 18/12/2000)
    Phlamethrower (16:35 18/12/2000)
      Steve (14:58 15/6/2002)
Gulli (09:52 20/12/2000)
        Phlamethrower (14:58 15/6/2002)
rich (09:43 19/12/2000)
Phlamethrower Message #4699, posted at 10:58, 18/12/2000
Unregistered user Any RISC-OS related download sites that let you actually store stuff on them (Instead of just providing a link the the actual download site)?
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rich Message #4700, posted at 13:14, 18/12/2000, in reply to message #4699
Unregistered user Hmmm... don't think so, as they'd have to provide login details etc. so you can upload (although I'm working on something for the Themes site).

Acorn Search have cached versions of the software though.

There's FTP sites, but this is more in the "upload to a single directory, hope someone notices and puts it in the right place" kind of thing.

Why, what's up? Anything we can help with?

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Gulli Message #4701, posted at 15:20, 18/12/2000, in reply to message #4699
Unregistered user Guess www.riscos.org.uk isn't what you're looking for? They host your site on a subdomain eg. www.yourapp.riscos.org.uk. But you're probably looking for something like filebase.acornusers.org with discspace?
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Phlamethrower Message #4702, posted at 16:35, 18/12/2000, in reply to message #4701
Unregistered user Hmm.. a website hosting service might do, but I would be more interested in somewhere to stick the programs I make rather than websites about them (can't be bothered fiddling around uploading websites all the time...). Like you said, I'm looking for something like filebase.acornusers.org, but with diskspace.
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rich Message #4704, posted at 09:43, 19/12/2000, in reply to message #4701
Unregistered user
Guess www.riscos.org.uk isn't what you're looking for? They host your site on a subdomain eg. www.yourapp.riscos.org.uk. But you're probably looking for something like filebase.acornusers.org with discspace?

I don't think riscos.org.uk is a hosting service, it's a "get a nice subdomain pointing to your own website" service isn't it?
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Gulli Message #4706, posted at 09:52, 20/12/2000, in reply to message #4703
Unregistered user There's one problem with Frax, well actually not Frax itself but more with the developers. A little bit more information about the applications on the Frax site would probably increase downloads but might get their websites a few less visits.

Same thing can be said of the Acorn Filebase.

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Steve Message #4703, posted at 14:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #4702
Unregistered user Much as I hate to do this wink

The Frax site (http://www.frax.co.uk) has an ftp site linked in to the main search facility. I'm not quite sure if this is what you're after but it's worth a try.

[Edited by 6 at 21:25, 18/12/2000]

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Phlamethrower Message #4705, posted at 14:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #4703
Unregistered user
Much as I hate to do this wink

The Frax site (http://www.frax.co.uk) has an ftp site linked in to the main search facility. I'm not quite sure if this is what you're after but it's worth a try.

Nope. First I tried ANS, then registered with Frax. Both only provide links to seperate download sites unhappy

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The Icon Bar: Programming: Releasing on the Net