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The Icon Bar: The Playpen: Castle Logo Switch Shocker
  Castle Logo Switch Shocker
  Kinetic (11:01 11/1/2004)
  mavhc (11:41 11/1/2004)
    john (12:32 11/1/2004)
      Kinetic (12:33 11/1/2004)
        [mentat] (15:04 11/1/2004)
          Hertzsprung (15:27 11/1/2004)
            [mentat] (11:40 12/1/2004)
        ribbit (15:58 11/1/2004)
  adrianl (17:47 11/1/2004)
Andrew Duffell Message #49457, posted by ad at 11:01, 11/1/2004

Posts: 3262
I've just noticed that Castle have changed their logo.

It now contains a castle, acorn, iyonix logo and diamond.

It used to contain two castles, an acorn and an oak leaf.
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Mark Scholes Message #49459, posted by mavhc at 11:41, 11/1/2004, in reply to message #49457
Posts: 660
I've just noticed that Castle have changed their logo.

It now contains a castle, acorn, iyonix logo and diamond.

It used to contain two castles, an acorn and an oak leaf.
The diamond is a well known symbol of communists.
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John D Message #49460, posted by john at 12:32, 11/1/2004, in reply to message #49459
Posts: 261

The diamond is a well known symbol of communists.
So what?
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Andrew Duffell Message #49461, posted by ad at 12:33, 11/1/2004, in reply to message #49460

Posts: 3262

The diamond is a well known symbol of communists.
So what?
So castle must be communist.
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I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #49468, posted by [mentat] at 15:04, 11/1/2004, in reply to message #49461
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266
Or, for more sensible diamond speculation, see:


Personally, I think that diamond shapes make rubbish logo's.
But then I've never liked castle's logo much anyway. It looks better in black and white.
They clearly don't like it that much themselves either, since they're too ashamed to even stick it on their flagship product. But then, the case on that product is rubbish as well :P

NB. :P

[Edited by [mentat] at 15:07, 11/1/2004]
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James Shaw Message #49473, posted by Hertzsprung at 15:27, 11/1/2004, in reply to message #49468

Posts: 1746

NB. :P
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Cuddlebunny Message #49476, posted by ribbit at 15:58, 11/1/2004, in reply to message #49461
smoochpuppet!Dirty Cow
Posts: 606

The diamond is a well known symbol of communists.
So what?
So castle must be communist.
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Adrian Lees Message #49489, posted by adrianl at 17:47, 11/1/2004, in reply to message #49457
Posts: 1637
It now contains a castle, acorn, iyonix logo and diamond.
That 'iyonix logo' is called 'jellybean'

True! Check out the RO5 Sprites file (Resources:$.Resources.Wimp.Sprites) - su_jellybean :)
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I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #49560, posted by [mentat] at 11:40, 12/1/2004, in reply to message #49473
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266

NB. :P
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The Icon Bar: The Playpen: Castle Logo Switch Shocker