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The Icon Bar: Test posts: Quoting
  rich (16:09 24/6/2005)
  rich (16:19 24/6/2005)
    Hertzsprung (16:20 24/6/2005)
      rich (16:21 24/6/2005)
        monkeyson2 (16:33 24/6/2005)
          rich (16:37 24/6/2005)
        Hertzsprung (21:40 24/6/2005)
          rich (21:54 24/6/2005)
            Hertzsprung (12:11 25/6/2005)
              adamlloyd (16:56 11/2/2007)
                andypoole (17:24 11/2/2007)
                  MikeCarter (17:57 11/2/2007)
                    blasts of the xtre (18:59 11/2/2007)
                    adamlloyd (19:08 11/2/2007)
                      andypoole (19:55 11/2/2007)
                        ilcook (22:47 11/2/2007)
                        adamlloyd (16:59 12/2/2007)
                          MikeCarter (17:21 12/2/2007)
                            adamlloyd (17:47 13/2/2007)
                              ilcook (18:25 13/2/2007)
                                adamlloyd (17:15 14/2/2007)
                                  adamlloyd (19:57 20/2/2007)
                                    andypoole (21:43 20/2/2007)
                                      adamlloyd (17:04 27/2/2007)
  monkeyson2 (16:32 24/6/2005)
Richard Goodwin Message #67016, posted by rich at 16:09, 24/6/2005
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828

Only makes sense with a CSS browser. And possibly not even then.
Richard Goodwin Message #67017, posted by rich at 16:19, 24/6/2005, in reply to message #67016
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
Seems to work in Oregano 2 and Wintel browsers, but not Oregano 1 or WebsterXL. Possibly due to it being in a linked stylesheet.
James Shaw Message #67018, posted by Hertzsprung at 16:20, 24/6/2005, in reply to message #67017

Posts: 1746
It's not particularly legible with light blue on lighter blue :P
Richard Goodwin Message #67019, posted by rich at 16:21, 24/6/2005, in reply to message #67018
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
Using what browser/computer? It should be a lighter background, and darkish grey/blue for the text. Shouldn't be blue on blue, but then, I'm using a laptop, and LCDs aren't great for colour reproduction - and I can't use the Risc PC as it doesn't have a CSS capable browser :(.
Phil Mellor Message #67020, posted by monkeyson2 at 16:32, 24/6/2005, in reply to message #67016
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380

Only makes sense with a CSS browser. And possibly not even then.
Phil Mellor Message #67021, posted by monkeyson2 at 16:33, 24/6/2005, in reply to message #67019
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380
I can't use the Risc PC as it doesn't have a CSS capable browser :(.
Ahem! :P
Richard Goodwin Message #67022, posted by rich at 16:37, 24/6/2005, in reply to message #67021
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
I can't use the Risc PC as it doesn't have a CSS capable browser :(.
Ahem! :P
Ahem yourself! :P
James Shaw Message #67028, posted by Hertzsprung at 21:40, 24/6/2005, in reply to message #67019

Posts: 1746
Using what browser/computer? It should be a lighter background, and darkish grey/blue for the text. Shouldn't be blue on blue, but then, I'm using a laptop, and LCDs aren't great for colour reproduction - and I can't use the Risc PC as it doesn't have a CSS capable browser :(.
My montior makes it look like a muddy light blue on a muddy lighter blueish grey :(
Richard Goodwin Message #67030, posted by rich at 21:54, 24/6/2005, in reply to message #67028
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
Um, then it sounds like your monitor. The background is so light, it's practically white on my LCD, and the text is very grey, with just a slight tint of blue. And having screenshot'd it, it's not much different on the CRT.

Oh well, you'll have to RTFA, not rely on someone's dodgy quoting ;)
James Shaw Message #67038, posted by Hertzsprung at 12:11, 25/6/2005, in reply to message #67030

Posts: 1746
Um, then it sounds like your monitor. The background is so light, it's practically white on my LCD, and the text is very grey, with just a slight tint of blue. And having screenshot'd it, it's not much different on the CRT.

Oh well, you'll have to RTFA, not rely on someone's dodgy quoting ;)
Ah, okay, I give in then ;)
Adam Lloyd Message #98396, posted by adamlloyd at 16:56, 11/2/2007, in reply to message #67038
Posts: 155
Um, then it sounds like your monitor. The background is so light, it's practically white on my LCD, and the text is very grey, with just a slight tint of blue. And having screenshot'd it, it's not much different on the CRT.

Oh well, you'll have to RTFA, not rely on someone's dodgy quoting ;)
Ah, okay, I give in then ;)
I like quoting:-)

[Edited by adamlloyd at 17:01, 11/2/2007]
in it but not of it
Andrew Poole Message #98398, posted by andypoole at 17:24, 11/2/2007, in reply to message #98396
Mouse enthusiast

Posts: 5558
Um, then it sounds like your monitor. The background is so light, it's practically white on my LCD, and the text is very grey, with just a slight tint of blue. And having screenshot'd it, it's not much different on the CRT.

Oh well, you'll have to RTFA, not rely on someone's dodgy quoting ;)
Ah, okay, I give in then ;)
I like quoting:-)
And that requires the resurrection of two year old threads because...
Mike Message #98399, posted by MikeCarter at 17:57, 11/2/2007, in reply to message #98398

Posts: 401
Um, then it sounds like your monitor. The background is so light, it's practically white on my LCD, and the text is very grey, with just a slight tint of blue. And having screenshot'd it, it's not much different on the CRT.

Oh well, you'll have to RTFA, not rely on someone's dodgy quoting ;)
Ah, okay, I give in then ;)
I like quoting:-)
And that requires the resurrection of two year old threads because...
Because he's the new Sion Cleaver :P
Sion Message #98400, posted by blasts of the xtre at 18:59, 11/2/2007, in reply to message #98399
blasts of the xtre
Suppose you were an idiot. Suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.

Posts: 326
Adam Lloyd Message #98401, posted by adamlloyd at 19:08, 11/2/2007, in reply to message #98399
Posts: 155
Um, then it sounds like your monitor. The background is so light, it's practically white on my LCD, and the text is very grey, with just a slight tint of blue. And having screenshot'd it, it's not much different on the CRT.

Oh well, you'll have to RTFA, not rely on someone's dodgy quoting ;)
Ah, okay, I give in then ;)
I like quoting:-)
And that requires the resurrection of two year old threads because...
Because he's the new Sion Cleaver :P
ohh no i'm not i just happen to know him but i have just started getting used to this stuff
in it but not of it
Andrew Poole Message #98403, posted by andypoole at 19:55, 11/2/2007, in reply to message #98401
Mouse enthusiast

Posts: 5558
ohh no i'm not
Oh yes you are</panto>

i just happen to know him
Lucky you.

but i have just started getting used to this stuff
Meh. Excuses.
Ian Cook Message #98404, posted by ilcook at 22:47, 11/2/2007, in reply to message #98403
trainResident idiot
Posts: 1075
ohh no i'm not
Oh yes you are</panto>
Oh no he's not :E

i just happen to know him
Lucky you.

but i have just started getting used to this stuff
Meh. Excuses.
That's his. :naughty:
Adam Lloyd Message #98440, posted by adamlloyd at 16:59, 12/2/2007, in reply to message #98403
Posts: 155
ohh no i'm not
Oh yes you are</panto>

i just happen to know him
Lucky you.

but i have just started getting used to this stuff
Meh. Excuses.
so why are you picking on me when I am doing what the Test Posts are for?
Mike Message #98443, posted by MikeCarter at 17:21, 12/2/2007, in reply to message #98440

Posts: 401
ohh no i'm not
Oh yes you are</panto>

i just happen to know him
Lucky you.

but i have just started getting used to this stuff
Meh. Excuses.
so why are you picking on me when I am doing what the Test Posts are for?
Because this test post is long out of date.
Which means your spamming not testing :P
Adam Lloyd Message #98535, posted by adamlloyd at 17:47, 13/2/2007, in reply to message #98443
Posts: 155
Yeah maybe for you.
Ian Cook Message #98536, posted by ilcook at 18:25, 13/2/2007, in reply to message #98535
trainResident idiot
Posts: 1075
Yeah maybe for you.
Adam Lloyd Message #98594, posted by adamlloyd at 17:15, 14/2/2007, in reply to message #98536
Posts: 155
Thanks. . .
Adam Lloyd Message #98889, posted by adamlloyd at 19:57, 20/2/2007, in reply to message #98594
Posts: 155
As Sion said one time "Bah, Hiss"
Andrew Poole Message #98891, posted by andypoole at 21:43, 20/2/2007, in reply to message #98889
Mouse enthusiast

Posts: 5558
For God's sake, shut up, the lot of you

I rather thought the test posts forum was for the coders to test new things that are added to the forum
Adam Lloyd Message #99195, posted by adamlloyd at 17:04, 27/2/2007, in reply to message #98891
Posts: 155

The Icon Bar: Test posts: Quoting