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The Icon Bar: Test posts: Pulpit
  andrew (15:11 27/9/2005)
  rich (15:23 27/9/2005)
    rich (15:24 27/9/2005)
      andrew (16:14 27/9/2005)
        monkeyson2 (16:28 27/9/2005)
          andrew (19:46 27/9/2005)
        rich (16:37 27/9/2005)
          rich (16:58 27/9/2005)
            jmb (17:06 27/9/2005)
              rich (17:31 27/9/2005)
            monkeyson2 (17:08 27/9/2005)
              rich (17:33 27/9/2005)
Andrew Message #69739, posted by andrew at 15:11, 27/9/2005
HandbagHandbag Boi
Posts: 3439
<font size=3>TEST</font>
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Richard Goodwin Message #69745, posted by rich at 15:23, 27/9/2005, in reply to message #69739
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
Hmm.. pretty sure there was a list of allowed HTML in the forum somewhere. But it's not linked to from the edit window. I'll have to search for it.

Anyway, [font size=3] won't do anything - it's the default size (e.g. roughly the same as [font size=+0] given the context). [big] and [small] (with the correct style of bracket) do work though.
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Richard Goodwin Message #69746, posted by rich at 15:24, 27/9/2005, in reply to message #69745
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
Here it is:
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Andrew Message #69753, posted by andrew at 16:14, 27/9/2005, in reply to message #69746
HandbagHandbag Boi
Posts: 3439
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Phil Mellor Message #69754, posted by monkeyson2 at 16:28, 27/9/2005, in reply to message #69753
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380
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Richard Goodwin Message #69755, posted by rich at 16:37, 27/9/2005, in reply to message #69753
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
Let's not start that again
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Richard Goodwin Message #69757, posted by rich at 16:58, 27/9/2005, in reply to message #69755
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
Anyway, on to more important matters. On some forums there's a tag called [spoiler] IIRC. This means you can discuss things like game or film plots without giving the game away to those who haven't yet played/seen/etc. what's being discussed. There's a number of ways this can be implemented, so what do you folks think?

The nicest way is using CSS to actually hide the included text until a button is clicked on. This won't work in RISC OS browsers - the text will be perfectly visible at all times due to not having the ability to hide the initial text.

The other way is to make the text the same colour as the background (perhaps making both black, just in case the background colour changes if a different style is applied to these forums). To view, you simply select the text. Which won't work in RISC OS browsers either.

I could do a combination - the text is black-on-black until you click a button. Which won't work on RISC OS browsers (probably).

Why did I start this post again?
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JMB Message #69758, posted by jmb at 17:06, 27/9/2005, in reply to message #69757
Posts: 467
The nicest way is using CSS to actually hide the included text until a button is clicked on. This won't work in RISC OS browsers - the text will be perfectly visible at all times due to not having the ability to hide the initial text.
Funny. I'm sure I implemented the CSS visibility property in NetSurf.

The other way is to make the text the same colour as the background (perhaps making both black, just in case the background colour changes when a different style is applied to these forums). To view, you simply select the text. Which won't work in RISC OS browsers either.
Won't it now? I'm sure NetSurf has text selection support.

Why did I start this post again?
Presumably to have yet another misguided rant about RISC OS browsers?

[Edited by jmb at 17:13, 27/9/2005]
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Phil Mellor Message #69759, posted by monkeyson2 at 17:08, 27/9/2005, in reply to message #69757
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380
Rot13 the spoiler, and link it to a rot13 decrypter.

Or suffix the thread title with [SPOILERZ!!! FOR USERS WITH OLD BROWSERS!!1!]

[Edited by monkeyson2 at 17:09, 27/9/2005]
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Richard Goodwin Message #69761, posted by rich at 17:31, 27/9/2005, in reply to message #69758
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
The nicest way is using CSS to actually hide the included text until a button is clicked on. This won't work in RISC OS browsers - the text will be perfectly visible at all times due to not having the ability to hide the initial text.
Funny. I'm sure I implemented the CSS visibility property in NetSurf.
But not, if what I've been told is still true, (full) Javascript, which would be required to make it visible. And which other browsers have. Even if it does, the other browsers don't have the CSS. So while you're probably technically correct, it doesn't help much, with either this or the black-on-black-with-show-button techniques.

I've also heard tell of problems with text selection, although that might have been to do with selection of text within textarea boxes.

Why did I start this post again?
Presumably to have yet another misguided rant about RISC OS browsers?
It was neither misguided nor a rant. I've never used Netsurf for any length of time (it didn't play nice with my 32K colour screen mode) and don't know what you've added to it. While this may be an oversight on my part, I'm afraid a majority of RISC OS users use Fresco, Oregano or Webster XL. I could equally just say "bugger it, everyone use Firefox", but most people don't have that either.

I'd actually like to implement the spoiler tag, if only to play around with cool CSS tricks, and genuinely want people's input. As you can see, I've put some thought in to how to implement it. But the majority of users would either not see it work, or have to use PC/Mac browsers.
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Richard Goodwin Message #69762, posted by rich at 17:33, 27/9/2005, in reply to message #69759
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
Rot13 the spoiler, and link it to a rot13 decrypter.

Or suffix the thread title with [SPOILERZ!!! FOR USERS WITH OLD BROWSERS!!1!]

[Edited by monkeyson2 at 17:09, 27/9/2005]
Or convert the text into a magic eye image and embed that? :E
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Andrew Message #69770, posted by andrew at 19:46, 27/9/2005, in reply to message #69754
HandbagHandbag Boi
Posts: 3439
Maybe you should wear spectacles again then or stop visiting sapphic websites. Ha ha :sniff:
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The Icon Bar: Test posts: Pulpit