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The Icon Bar: News and features: April Fools

April Fools

Posted by Richard Goodwin on 00:04, 1/4/2002 | , , ,
If you just got here and missed the pink TIB - where the hell were you? :)

Okay, so I slept in last year too, which is why this one was timed. At a little after 12a.m. the site automatically switched to a pink front page, complete with a slightly different list of Pearls of wisdom. My own site also went black and displayed the date of March 32nd.

This news story previously pointed to a new news site, RISC OS is we!. It currently has two news stories, one about Acorn's downfall being due to nut allergies, and another about the arrest of ArgoNet staff that I was supposed to use last year.

If I might be serious for a while, it is our intention to not only keep RISC OS is we! going, but also to introduce a new site, riscos.me.uk (which currently points to TIB). The first will continue to be a spoof RISC OS news site, because hey, we all need a laugh now and then no matter what the date. The latter is intended to be a general purpose "About RISC OS" site with info on the OS, and hopefully some accounts of personal experiences. If you're interested in helping out with either, please email us at news@iconbar.com. I'm serious!

Pink TIB

Black House of Mabel

RISC OS is we!

  April Fools
  (02:35 1/4/2002)
  mark quint (09:34 1/4/2002)
    Andrew C. Poole (16:54 1/4/2002)
      foggy (18:17 1/4/2002)
        Guest (21:45 1/4/2002)
          John Hoare (03:49 2/4/2002)
            Richard Goodwin (09:15 2/4/2002)
              John Duffell (10:36 2/4/2002)
                Jason Tribbeck (16:43 2/4/2002)
                  Andrew C. Poole (18:19 2/4/2002)
                    Guest (12:45 4/4/2002)
                      Guest (23:47 5/4/2002)
Guest Message #90576, posted at 02:35, 1/4/2002
Unregistered user Impressive, hard-hitting news. Perfect start for a web site started on April 1...

Love the pink background on The Icon Bar front page. Now I don't need an emetic when I need to throw up.

Mike :)
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mark quint Message #90577, posted at 09:34, 1/4/2002, in reply to message #90576
Unregistered user :E
lovely & colourful :D
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Andrew C. Poole Message #90578, posted at 16:54, 1/4/2002, in reply to message #90577
Unregistered user Damn! I missed it :(
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foggy Message #90579, posted at 18:17, 1/4/2002, in reply to message #90578
Unregistered user What a pity nobody saw it. Especially as you were up all night changing the web site colours!
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Guest Message #90580, posted at 21:45, 1/4/2002, in reply to message #90579
Unregistered user Poo bum
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John Hoare Message #90581, posted at 03:49, 2/4/2002, in reply to message #90580
Unregistered user Gah! The one time I don't log onto The Iconbar because I was away for the weekend! :-( Still, I had a nice weekend. A *very* nice weekend :-D

Right, I'm off to think of a spoof news story...
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Richard Goodwin Message #90582, posted at 09:15, 2/4/2002, in reply to message #90581
Unregistered user I wasn't up all night Foggy, I did it at work in January ;)
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John Duffell Message #90583, posted at 10:36, 2/4/2002, in reply to message #90582
Unregistered user Those who didn't see it, think yourselves lucky! :) It was disgusting!
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Jason Tribbeck Message #90584, posted at 16:43, 2/4/2002, in reply to message #90583
Unregistered user Now that's planning in advance ;-)
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Andrew C. Poole Message #90585, posted at 18:19, 2/4/2002, in reply to message #90584
Unregistered user Hear Hear :)
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Guest Message #90586, posted at 12:45, 4/4/2002, in reply to message #90585
Unregistered user ... and here I was expecting Microdigital to announce Omega was available on April 1st. :)
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Guest Message #90587, posted at 23:47, 5/4/2002, in reply to message #90586
Unregistered user Pah!

I well remember a certain Rich Goodwin once saying to me, many a year ago, something like "I dare you to turn your website pink".

Which I promptly did and forgot to change it back again for ages. :-)
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The Icon Bar: News and features: April Fools