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The Icon Bar: News and features: Iyonix Linux update

Iyonix Linux update

Posted by Phil Mellor on 13:49, 7/1/2004 | , , ,
Castle have updated their Iyonix Linux pages with details and screenshots of the Debian port.

In response to requests on the Iyonix smartgroup, Peter Naulls is selling "ready-to-go" hard drives with ARM Linux and many applications pre-installed. This option means users do not have to reformat and partition their main hard drive, and can avoid the pitfalls of installing Linux themselves.
Pre-Installed Linux packages start at £105 inc P+P which includes an 80gb Hard drive, an IDE cable and installation CD.
For further information visit Chocky's Linux pages.

  Iyonix Linux update
  monkeyson2 (17:12 7/1/2004)
  ad (17:14 7/1/2004)
    ad (17:14 7/1/2004)
      monkeyson2 (17:24 7/1/2004)
        ad (17:31 7/1/2004)
          pnaulls (18:10 7/1/2004)
            john (20:07 7/1/2004)
              martin (22:26 7/1/2004)
                pnaulls (22:37 7/1/2004)
                  martin (07:52 8/1/2004)
Phil Mellor Message #92696, posted by monkeyson2 at 17:12, 7/1/2004
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380
Apologies to Peter for pre-announcing this.
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Andrew Duffell Message #92697, posted by ad at 17:14, 7/1/2004, in reply to message #92696

Posts: 3262
I think he is just annoyed because he wanted it on drobe first, so he is having a tantrum.
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Andrew Duffell Message #92698, posted by ad at 17:14, 7/1/2004, in reply to message #92697

Posts: 3262
Nice penguin BTW
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Phil Mellor Message #92699, posted by monkeyson2 at 17:24, 7/1/2004, in reply to message #92698
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380
I'm actually rather interested in the HD release. I don't really want the hassle/risk of backing up, formatting and partitioning the main hard drive.

I've installed Mandrake Linux on a couple of PCs, but no experience of Debian. I don't know if Debian is as straightforward (especially when installing on ARM hardware), so a pre-installed version tailored by someone knowledgable is always welcome.

Did Aleph One do something similar for the Risc PC a few years ago. I know they were thinking of it (and a CD release), but did it ever go ahead?

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Andrew Duffell Message #92700, posted by ad at 17:31, 7/1/2004, in reply to message #92699

Posts: 3262
My problem with installing ARM Linux is partitioning the hard disc :|
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Peter Naulls Message #92701, posted by pnaulls at 18:10, 7/1/2004, in reply to message #92700
Posts: 317
Kinetic: Hardly. We've dicussed the whole "TIB first" thing in detail before, and there's no need to go over it again. I dicussed the situation with monkeyson and TheDoctor and I'm happy with the outcome.

Debian on an Iyonix _is_ easy to install from scratch (partioning hassles aside, hence this product), but it can take a little while, and you may not know what packages to install.

Aleph1 used to offer something similar for RiscPCs, and you can still get an old version of Debian ARM from them on CD if you ask nicely.

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John D Message #92702, posted by john at 20:07, 7/1/2004, in reply to message #92701
Posts: 261
This will be great for people who want to use the iyonix as a (cheap) XScale developemnt system and don't want RISC OS. I've no idea how many of them there are but Castle's obvious interest in linux suggests significant.
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martin hansen Message #92703, posted by martin at 22:26, 7/1/2004, in reply to message #92702
Posts: 17
Phew, had to bail from AcornEvolution earlier when World War III errupted just as I posted a comment. Bloody hell ! I hope it's safer here.
I keep trying to get into Linux but, from the total novice's point of view it's a confusing scene and hard work. (Maybe RISC OS is too for those not already in the know ?)
Peter's splendid endeavours certainly attract me as a way of taking some first steps. A good selling point for the Iyonix if Castle/Peter can bundle in a compatable idiots guide to doing "the basics with Linux on Iyonix" as well.
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Peter Naulls Message #92704, posted by pnaulls at 22:37, 7/1/2004, in reply to message #92703
Posts: 317
There's an updated version of Aleph1's Guide to ARMLinux for RiscPCs in the pipeline, but this is some months away. For the time being, you should look at the latter parts of the official Debian install guide.
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martin hansen Message #92705, posted by martin at 07:52, 8/1/2004, in reply to message #92704
Posts: 17
Thanks for that advice, Peter. I shall do as you suggest.
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The Icon Bar: News and features: Iyonix Linux update