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Getting FAT32FS working on a RiscPC with a Castle USB Card

Posted by Jon Robinson on 14:57, 28/6/2014 | , , , ,
I have a RISC OS 4.39 RiscPC with a CastleInfo USB card and Compact Flash card reader attached. This uses Castle‘s !SoftSCSI to access the flash cards.
For a long time, I have been frustrated by its inability to mount any flash card larger then 2 GB in size. I really wanted to use a single flash card, to back up my 40 GB hard drive, as having to use a pocket full of 2 GB cards is a real pain.
I had been put off experimenting with Jeff Doggett‘s FAT32FS before, because I had read somewhere that it only works with the USB stack on the Iyo.
But, as it‘s the only solution, I did have a go at trying to get FAT32FS working on my RiscPC, recently. And, luckily, it turns out that the USB podule card on the RiscPC, is sufficiently similar to the one in the Iyonix, that it does, in fact, work.
It did take a bit of experimentation, however, to work out how to do it.
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RISC OS 5.16 released

Posted by Jeffrey Lee on 22:07, 23/1/2010 | , ,
RISC OS Open have announced that CastleInfo have given the official seal of approval to RISC OS 5.16, the new version of the shared-source OS. The most prominent feature in this new version is a fix for the much-discussed year 2012 bug, where IYONIX computers would mistakenly read their real-time clock on startup if it's an odd-numbered decade.
The new IYONIX pc ROM can be downloaded free of charge from the ROOL site, in either flash programmer or softload form. ROOL advise that the ROM image is believed to work in softload form on all IYONIX versions of RISC OS from 5.10 or later. In flash programmer form, it should work from version 5.07 or later.
To avoid any unforseen compatibility issues with third-party software, it's advised to at try out the softload at least once before running the flash programmer tool. Just remember that the using the softload won't fix the year 2012 bug (and can even result in a jump to 2110) - the only way to fix the year 2012 bug is to use the flash programmer.
Update: ROOL have now added to the release announcement a human-readable list of the changes that have been made since the last official release (5.14).
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Firefox released for RISC OS 5 [Updated]

Posted by Andrew Duffell on 10:28, 2/12/2006 | , , , , , , ,
A port of Firefox 2 for CastleInfo Technology's IYONIX PC has been released by Peter Naulls. This release comes after users contributed the 1000 GBP that Peter had asked for to fund the development.
Peter would like to thank all those who contributed, but he is still after another 4000 GBP to release a further update with integration to RISC OS, and fixing some other issues. This release is targeted for Christmas day if the contributions meet the target.
A port for Advantage Six's A9home computer has not been ruled out subject to financial interest, and Peter is asking people interested in a port for any RISC OS platform to email him.
Update: Rob Kendrick has released a patch that allows the IYONIX Firefox port to run on the A9home by providing emulation for the XScale-specific instructions to a fudged copy of the Firefox executable.
RISC OS Firefox

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RISC OS Open Reveal Shared Source Initiative

Posted by Andrew Duffell on 21:47, 29/9/2006 | , ,
RISC OS Open have been in touch to reveal a new shared source inititive in partnership with CastleInfo Technology.
From the press release:
Castle Technology and RISC OS Open Ltd (ROOL) are pleased to announce plans for the opening-up of RISC OS source code. This step is a further major landmark in the development of the highly respected software platform. A primary objective is to bring RISC OS software to a wider community and to encourage growth in both the RISC OS user base and the developer community. This will be augmented by more rapid development of the software base and removal of critical barriers to use, normally associated with proprietary platforms.
Shared source will allow controlled access to a limited amount of the RISC OS source code. The release of the code will be phased, with phase one containing
  • The RISC OS build environment
  • The Shared C Library
  • The main disc-based applications (!Paint, !Edit, !Draw, etc)
  • Other disc-based applications (!Boot, !System, !Scrap, !Unicode, !Configure)
  • Browse (otherwise known as Phoenix), WebServe and related Fetcher modules
  • The USB Printer Manager, printer drivers and printer dumper modules
  • The configuration plug-ins
  • Some screen savers
  • Other modules which are handy for developers
Read more on the ROOL website.
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Castle Up For Grabs

Posted by Richard Goodwin on 08:49, 6/7/2006 | , , , , , ,
CastlelogoCut to the chase: according to a recent press release, 30% of CastleInfo is about to become available:
Pattotek Ltd owns a 30% share in the voting capital of Castle Technology Ltd ("Castle"), owner of the RISC OS Operating System and developer of RISC OS based desktop computers. Pattotek Ltd today announced that, due to diverging business interests, it is examining its options regarding Castle and would like to hear from potential investors in the RISC OS community who could be interested in gaining control of this stake in Castle.
Pattotek's CEO, Pete Wild said, "after almost 20 years personal involvement in RISC OS, it is regrettably no longer core business and we must consider what is best for the future of the OS". He added, "However, Castle still has a dynamic management team, and exciting new plans for the future of RISC OS; here is an opportunity for the user community to have more of a say in those plans. Given the past history between Castle and RISCOS LtdInfo, this could represent a chance for the re-unification of efforts to move RISC OS forward."
Interested parties should email castleinvest@pattotek.com
Coming off the back of Intel getting shot of the XScale (StrongARM), now might be the time for RISC OS fans to look down the back of the sofa for that loose change...
Source: Google Groups
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Wakefield 2006 show report

Posted by Phil Mellor on 00:00, 14/5/2006 | , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Advantage 6

One year on from when the A9home was first unveiled - it was infact sneaked into the Advantage 6 show theatre in a "makeup bag" - we see the release of the A9home.
CJEInfo, who are A6's retail partners for the A9, were "so happy" with the hardware and progress, that they were confident to begin selling it at the show.
While A6 were disappointed that they are not yet able to totally sign-off the project - there are still niggles, not major problems, with the system, such as providing USB printing (32 bit printer drivers) and the serial port is apparently "not good".
So while the A9home is "not ready for everybody", it is "getting very close". People will have to be patient for the "I want everything release". The iterative beta testing programme shows there is still some work to do, but everything is "much closer each time things go out".

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Wakey Wakey, it's show time again!

Posted by Andrew Poole on 20:54, 10/5/2006 | , , , , , , , , , , ,
[A badly spelt AA roadsign]Once again it's time for the Wakefield show, the 11th one to be exact. Just for you lucky punters, roughly 30 exhibitors will be attending the show this year, and as usual the theatre has a packed programme throughout the day. In addition to this, there's also a "RISC OS in action" section, manned by Ian Chamberlain and sponsored by Qercus, which will have a number of demonstrations of RISC OS in use on A9 and Iyonix computers doing various tasks.

Exhibitors this year include CastleInfo Technology, Genesys Developments, MW Software and the NetSurf development team, who will be demonstrating the latest developments on the open source browser.

VirtualAcorn will also be present, demonstrating their latest addition to their product family, VirtualRPC-SA, which provides emulation of the StrongARM processor in addition to the Arm710 processor it previously supported.

The theatre programme for this year's show is as follows:

10:30John Cartmell
10:45Advantage6 - Part 1
11:30Castle Technology
13:00Paul Middleton - RISCOS LtdInfo.
14:00ArtWorks 2
15:00Advantage6 - Part 2

Parking at Thornes Park Athletics Stadium is free, and entry to the show costs £6, with under 5 year olds getting in free (I'd imagine that's physical age, not mental age!) The show is open from 10am until 5pm on Saturday 13th of May.

If you're going to the show this year and would like to share your thoughts of the show with us, please get in touch!

Source: Wakefield Show

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Rounding Up February

Posted by Richard Goodwin on 11:51, 26/2/2006 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
In this roundup: !AVerMedia; CJEInfo stock; APDL world domination; RISCOS Ltd's latest offer; BeebIt 0.59; other new releases.

AVerMedia USB RadioFor those of you with USB capabilities on your RISC OS machines, and a need for software to control USB radios, Dave Higton brings you !AVerMedia hot on the heels of !DRU-R100. !AVerMedia is free, the code is GPL, you can use it with other apps (e.g. !Alarm) and it works on both the CastleInfo and SimtecInfo USB stacks. So how about throwing Dave a couple of quid so he can actually buy his own unit instead of borrowing one, for when you lot start wanting support? As for where you'd actually buy an AVerMedia USB radio, I dunno, surely even CJE Micros don't... oh, they do? In stock too? Should have known.
Link: !AVerMedia

Speaking as we were of CJE Micros and their legendary stock levels, they have a few other new tricks up their sleeves. First up is the Sharp 172GW 17" LCD monitor, which has those handy dual inputs y'all apparently seem to like: one's a DVI, but with a handy converter you can plug in two regular VGA connectors and switch between them. 225 GBP (inc VAT, ex-delivery) for the monitor, 14 GBP (inc VAT) for the converter, say about a tenner for delivery.
Next up are two Iyonix-compatible external USB hard drives, in 40GB and 80GB flavours - 125 and 140 earth pounds respectively, fully inclusive. They've also reduced prices on Virtal RiscPC-equipped Windows laptops. There's a lot of other new stuff - USB seems to be in this month - but the shocking news is a "What's Not In Stock" page! It mostly seems to be old hardware (video stuff like Viewfinder 8, 32 or 128MB, Irlam VideoDesk, 24i16 or i16 and Eagle M2 podules), computers (working BBC Masters, A4s in any condition) and other bits (A540 PSU, Risc PC Econet, and unused 80 track floppy media), so if you're sitting on any of this stuff (VIGAY!) now might be the time to make a little cash...
Link: CJE Micros

David Bradforth has announced that the Alligata line of books are going digital via self-publish website lulu.com. Basic V: A Dabhand Guide by Mike Williams can currently be downloaded for $6 (what, only three and a half quid?) or bought printed for $12.45. Those prices are set to change RSN though. APDL are also looking for testers for 32-bit neutral WimpBasic and an Excel loader/exporter for Schema2! Email info(at)apdl.co.uk, but make sure you have the latest versions, returned your registration card etc.
Link: APDL

RISCOS LtdInfo. celebrates the "7th Anniversary of signing Agreement with Element 14" by offering RISC OS 4.39 "Adjust" ROMs for 69 quid (63 + p&p); you've only got from Wednesday 1st March to Friday 17th March for this one though.
Link: RISCOS Ltd.

Michael Foot, one of my favourite Kiwis (after Peter Jackson and my Uncle Bob of course), has released v0.59 of 8-bit Acorn emulator BeebIt. A lot of work appears to have been done to the memory handling, which has the not inconsequencial effect of allowing Level 9 adventures to run in BBC Master and B+ modes.
Link: BeebIt

Other releases

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50,000 shares, Iyonix Select and a Belated Happy Birthday

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Wakefield 2001 show report

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