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The Icon Bar: News and features: Qercus back in action

Qercus back in action

Posted by Andrew Duffell on 21:33, 5/2/2005 | , , ,
QAfter the poisoned chalice of the ailing Acorn User magazine was handed over in Janruary 2004 to Finnybank Ltd, the owners of Acorn Publisher magazine, many thought that Acorn User was on the way up again. One year later the once leading Acorn magazine has not sent an issue to it's subscribers since October 2004. Disgruntled users have recently been voicing their concerns on the comp.sys.acorn usenet group over the last few days, which has prompted editor John Cartmell to respond.

qercus"We have had admin and family problems that have caused problems in production. Issue 272 is the last that went out. We have dealt with most of the problems and are catching up with arrears." he continued with the news that subscribers have been waiting for, "In the meantime issue 273 is ready and should be out very soon and the last bits of 274 are going to the Printers this weekend so that can be ready for issue at the end of the month."

Subscribers should not worry about not getting all the magazines for their subscriptions, because subscriptions are based on issues, and not lengths of time.

John also confirmed that Qercus will be present at the SW show on 26th February, and that changes in Qercus will mean that there is a wider range of RISC OS topics each month.

Link: Qercus/Acorn Publisher

  Qercus back in action
  Revin Kevin (15:15 16/2/2005)
Kevin Wells Message #93260, posted by Revin Kevin at 15:15, 16/2/2005
Posts: 644
Will look forward to recieving my copy
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The Icon Bar: News and features: Qercus back in action