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The Icon Bar: News and features: RISC OS 4 Less!

RISC OS 4 Less!

Posted by Alasdair Bailey on 22:52, 30/7/2000 | ,
RISCOS Ltd. have just announced a range of discounts to entice more users to upgrade to RISC OS 4. Their first summer offer includes the full retail RISC OS 4 pack plus manuals CD and a copy of Foundation Risc User magazine’s first issue for just £120 including VAT and delivery. A second pack sees the price of RISC OS 4 slashed to just below the £100 mark, without bundled commercial applications (eg ImageFS and Organiser). Fully functional RISC OS 4 for £99.99 is sure to ticke some people’s fancy over the summer.

Orders can be placed by email via ro4orders@riscos.com or by phone on 029 2049 2324. It’s good to see that RISCOS Ltd. are still awake after recent negative signs. Hopefully these discounts will boost sales of the upgrade in a traditionally quiet time where most people are on holiday and there’s little going on by way of computer shows.

Source: RISCOS Ltd.

  RISC OS 4 Less!
  (15:43 31/7/2000)
  John Campbell Rees (21:49 31/7/2000)
Alex Singleton Message #88039, posted at 15:43, 31/7/2000
Unregistered user RISC OS 4 still seems very expensive at £99 for what is essentially a minor upgrade. I guess it indicates the numbers of people purhcasing it.
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John Campbell Rees Message #88040, posted at 21:49, 31/7/2000, in reply to message #88039
Unregistered user This is a positive move, as I have always felt that the upgrade to RISC OS 4 was overpriced. Especially so when the price of instalation was added. Ideally, the upgrade itself should be marketed at around £74.95, then a £25 instalation fee would still keep the upgrade under the magic £100 mark.
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The Icon Bar: News and features: RISC OS 4 Less!