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The Icon Bar: News and features: RISC OS mentions!

RISC OS mentions!

Posted by Richard Goodwin on 12:36, 12/5/2002 | , ,
Looks like the Select release has been quite popular on some fronts...

OS News posted an article entitled RISC OS Select Released and... aw hell, you only want to know that it was on Slashdot with the headline RISC OS Select 1st Release Out don't you?

Pity the good news is tempered slightly by the news that the RiscStation portable has been delayed again.

Shouts to Phlamethrower, MarcoF and Simon Young for the info.
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Andrew Duffell Message #90985, posted at 12:50, 12/5/2002
Unregistered user I love the comments on OS News :) Seems like everyones been at it :P
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Richard Walker Message #90986, posted at 13:53, 12/5/2002, in reply to message #90985
Unregistered user Look at the comments on SlashDot. In general, they don't like the poor technical features, and consider the screenshots on riscos.com to look horrible. There are some people who have fond memories of it, though!

I've put a few comments in (and hence broke my own promise to myself!) one of which has been labelled 'Interesting' - woo! :)

I wonder if certain RISC OS companies will attempt to black-out the SlashDot and/or OSNews articles...
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MarcoF Message #90987, posted at 16:03, 12/5/2002, in reply to message #90986
Unregistered user cool I never thought /. would post it.. (I submitted the item).. wahey.. publicity!
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MarcoF Message #90988, posted at 16:09, 12/5/2002, in reply to message #90987
Unregistered user Hmmz, reading through /. reactions, I should've known better to post to this linux nazi forum.. oh well, I guess there'll always be ignorant people in the world.. :)
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Jeffrey Lee Message #90989, posted at 18:31, 12/5/2002, in reply to message #90988
Unregistered user Eh? How did I point out the news?
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MarcoF Message #90990, posted at 08:31, 13/5/2002, in reply to message #90989
Unregistered user Hmmzz..
it seems people are not convinced about how ROS is used..
Would it be feasible to make a video of some sorts, with handling things (like menus, fonts, objects, etc), so people can actually SEE what ROs really does???
Anyone with a camcorder or any other recording tool that is willing to do this and put it up on inet..???
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Chris Williams Message #90991, posted at 08:42, 13/5/2002, in reply to message #90990
Unregistered user Someone could write a program that did a series of screengrabs to build up a sequence of sprites in a spritefile. The resultant 'film' could be turned into an mpeg movie. That would be cool.

And I wouldn't worry too much about some of the Slashdot comments - what do you expect from a community of unix hugging, open source obessives? ;) The article has touched a few people: we had a Windows user (having read the OSNews.com article), wandering into the RISC OS irc channel last night to see what RISC OS was about and that he'd like ot see it in action.

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Lee Johnston Message #90992, posted at 09:27, 13/5/2002, in reply to message #90991
Unregistered user While I mostly agree that we shouldn't be overly concerned with the opinions of UNIX "extremists" our cause isn't helped by comments from RISC OS supporters claiming such things as "the OS was forward thinking in using co-operative multitasking for blazing speed". Comments like that simply mean we won't get taken seriously.

Still it's always interesting to see what the result of wider publicising is :)
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Richard Walker Message #90993, posted at 10:18, 13/5/2002, in reply to message #90992
Unregistered user Hmm. Obviously there are some 'Linux is the only way' etc. extremists on SlashDot, but I think most of the comments were sensible.

Heck, these days SlashDot are reasonably easy with Apple (Mac OX X). Of course, Apple are very 'closed', in a number of ways - but that doesn't seem to bother SlashDot too much.

On the face of it, the SlashDot crowd had a dodgy list of technical features, some awful screenshots (on riscos.com) and some amateur-ish web pages (the various hardware companies). Are these things presenting RISC OS in the best possible light? No.

The RISC OS community needs a good web site or three that *SHOW* off the system (inc. applications). This can be done with lots of pictures and perhaps some MPEG movies of the desktop in action (Apple do a similar thing on their web site for Mac OS X).

Oh, and some of the web sites that do exist (Drobe, MyRISCOS, RISCOS.net, hardware companies, RISCOS Ltd. etc.) need to pull their finger out or close down. They are not the kind of publicity that this platform needs.

Just my 50p, as usual! :-)
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Chris Williams Message #90994, posted at 10:40, 13/5/2002, in reply to message #90993
Unregistered user Drobe and MyRISCOS needs to pull their fingers out? Richard, if I ever see you crossing the road, don't expect me to brake.

Chris don't-mess-with-the-best department, drobe.co.uk
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MarcoF Message #90995, posted at 13:14, 13/5/2002, in reply to message #90994
Unregistered user okay, so we agree that tere is a need for 'live' action movies/animations.
Now, how are we going to work on that? I'd be willing to make a recording, if there's a program that records the desktop interactions..
Otherwise, I *can* record something with a camcorder.. but it'll look rather shabby, methinks.
Any idea how we can make, say, some flash animations??
Oh, maybe with VNC.. run server on RPC, client on windows machine and use a windows recording tool.. hmm..
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MarcoF Message #90996, posted at 13:19, 13/5/2002, in reply to message #90995
Unregistered user Oh, by the way.. the laptop has not been delayed AGAIN.. this delay has been known for a couple of weeks now, refer myriscos interview. this is only the official statement from RS..
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Richard Walker Message #90997, posted at 13:41, 13/5/2002, in reply to message #90996
Unregistered user Chris,

Drobe isn't bad. It's just not as 'up to date' as The Iconbar. I'm sure this is mostly down to the fact that there are too many RISC OS 'news' sites for the amount of RISC OS news.

About MyRISCOS. It's often broken - sometimes the whole site, or sometimes select parts. In fact, I entered my username/password incorrectly the other day, and it now gives some daft error messages rather then present the site. It's simply unprofessional.
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Andrew C. Poole Message #90998, posted at 14:18, 13/5/2002, in reply to message #90997
Unregistered user Richard W.. as for RISCOS.net, I had an email from Karl, who owns the site, and he says that the site is undergoing an overhaul in PHP, but it could be some time yet. More news as I get it (or make it up - whichever comes first!)
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Richard Goodwin Message #90999, posted at 14:21, 13/5/2002, in reply to message #90998
Unregistered user I think RO.net spends more time being "upgraded" than it does actually working ;)

And pop-unders are EVIL.
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Richard Goodwin Message #91000, posted at 14:33, 13/5/2002, in reply to message #90999
Unregistered user Marco - yes the laptop has been delayed AGAIN. It has been delayed. It is not the first time. I don't care if it's the first official announcement of lateness in the last week or two, that's irrelevant. I went to buy one at the Epsom show two years ago!

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MarcoF Message #91001, posted at 15:09, 13/5/2002, in reply to message #91000
Unregistered user allright already.. dont get pissed at me :)
I ordered one as well, and am also eagerly awaiting.. but working in IT, I know one thing:
"We're IT, we deliver late!"
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Andrew C. Poole Message #91002, posted at 15:11, 13/5/2002, in reply to message #91001
Unregistered user I think the RISCOS.net adverts are going after the rewrite - and it /should/ have a working update system - so it can be updated this time :)

(I prefer iconbars update system to the old one anyday :))
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Andrew Duffell Message #91003, posted at 15:12, 13/5/2002, in reply to message #91002
Unregistered user RISCOS.net keeps saying that it has been relaunched, and they put one new news article on, and then it is left for months.

A pathetic waste of a domain!
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Some even eat worms Message #91004, posted at 15:14, 13/5/2002, in reply to message #91003
Unregistered user RiscStation and Microdigital particuarly have mucked this market around something awful. They should be ashamed of themselves. It's disgusting.
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James Shaw Message #91005, posted at 16:41, 13/5/2002, in reply to message #91004
Unregistered user I agree. It would be a lot better if no-one attempted to design new hardware or new software because then it couldn't arrive late!
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Some even eat worms Message #91006, posted at 09:35, 14/5/2002, in reply to message #91005
Unregistered user IT would be a lot better for these companies to behave with less contempt for the userbase i.e shut the hell up until you've got something to deliver.
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John Hoare Message #91007, posted at 10:19, 14/5/2002, in reply to message #91006
Unregistered user I still can't quite shake off the feeling that if things *weren't* pre-announced, then the market would be even smaller than it is :-(

I'll freely admit that I nearly gave up on RISC OS, and it was the news about the Omega that encouraged me to stick with it. Having said that, I also have a sneaking suspicion that I would have been back anyway...

The point it, I can see what the hardware companies are trying to do, even if they're wrong :-)
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MarcoF Message #91008, posted at 10:56, 14/5/2002, in reply to message #91007
Unregistered user I don't know.. what's so different in behaviour of RS and MD compared to Microsoft, for instance? MS tends to announce their products in advance, and delay.. delay and delay again.. see the resemblance?
And Apple has been doing the same.. and Intel.. etc..
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Richard Walker Message #91009, posted at 13:27, 14/5/2002, in reply to message #91008
Unregistered user Err... Microsoft has if officially a monopoly. It controls ~95% of the desktop computer market.

Apple, although they represent a fraction of the market (compared to Microsoft) also have a sizable user base.

Both of these markets are completely different to the RISC OS market. Why? Size and technology.
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MarcoF Message #91010, posted at 13:56, 14/5/2002, in reply to message #91009
Unregistered user If your company is so big (MS, Apple), there can not be any reason to delay a product. You have the resources, you're independant, you have the money.. So, I'd put it the otherway round.. I can understand the delay of RS, but I cannot understand ANY delay of MS..
On the other hand.. the announcement of the RS laptop was indeed too soon..
but except constant whining, there's nothing you can do about it. if you're fed up with waiting, buy a Mac powerbook (*drool*) and forget about the RS laptop.. it's as simple as that.. it's not that you do not have a choice..
rule nr 1: never be loyal to anyone or anything, since they/it is not loyal to you either..
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Some even eat worms Message #91011, posted at 14:01, 14/5/2002, in reply to message #91010
Unregistered user More to the point, don't believe these release dates as they've been 100% inaccurate.
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John Hoare Message #91012, posted at 14:13, 14/5/2002, in reply to message #91011
Unregistered user "rule nr 1: never be loyal to anyone or anything, since they/it is not loyal to you either.."

That's the most cynical posting I've read in a long time!
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MarcoF Message #91013, posted at 14:28, 14/5/2002, in reply to message #91012
Unregistered user cynical.. nah, just realistical.
imagine you work for company X for 20 years, you think you're doing great, last couple of years have not been so great, lots of restructuring and stuff.. you think 'well, I'll stay anyway, because the company deserves my knowledge'... Well, over the weekend you get sacked.. you may ask yourself.. why? because you performed very well.. well, the company doesn't care about performance of one single person.. it just wants to make money.. so they sack a bunch of people.. there you go.. and you thought you meant something..

note this is not from my personal experience, but I know it happens.. so, in business, the rule is: think about yourself, don't get too attached to the company you work for, or get deals with.. one day, sooner or later, you'll regret it..

I might be cynical, but I've always been ahead of the curve.. :)
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Lee Johnston Message #91014, posted at 15:51, 14/5/2002, in reply to message #91013
Unregistered user So you've loads of money and loads of staff, you're releasing a new computer and just before you launch a RAM production factory that you have no control over blows up. Are you saying that you still wouldn't have to delay the product despite the fact that you can't get RAM chips?

I'm not saying that Apple has ever faced this problem but it's exactly the kind of problem facing RS. Something they have little (no) control over is causing them problems and not the other way around. It wouldn't matter how much cash or how many staff they had, if the case isn't available it isn't available.
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The Icon Bar: News and features: RISC OS mentions!