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The Icon Bar: News and features: Returning to ImpressionX

Returning to ImpressionX

Posted by Mark Stephens on 07:53, 16/2/2018 | ,

Impression was always one of my favourite applications, so I was very interested to meet Richard Keefe at the London Show and sign up for his Impression release.
What Richard is offering is a scheme where you will get access to his latest version. Potentially this offers three advantages:-
1. An update in the sense it is Impression-X rather than Impression Publisher. This is the flagship release. Most of the features are high-end, but it is always nice to have the top version.
2. An upgrade in the sense that Richard is making Impression run on the latest software. Some use of Aemulor is still needed, but the aim is to totally convert the software to run unaided on modern hardware.
3. Enhancements with better JPEG support, bug fixes and a support piece of software.
Richard supplied the software at the London show as a set of Archive files to decompress and install. The most noticeable change is the new splashscreen shown at the top.
After that, it is like having an old friend back reinvigorated and refreshed.
You can read about Richard's plans for Impression in his indepth interview with Iconbar.
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The Icon Bar: News and features: Returning to ImpressionX