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The Icon Bar: News and features: Review - Blood Lust

Review - Blood Lust

Posted by Jon Hall on 00:00, 30/10/2000 | , ,

Platform shoot'em up from the 4th Dimension.


[screenshot]Blood Lust was released at the Wakefield show and is another game in The 4th Dimension's VFM (value for money) range. The plot follows along the linesĀ of being stuck underground on a alien planet - you must shoot and bomb your way to freedom, collecting power-ups on the way.
 The gameplay is very basic and the movement and jumping of the character become tedious after a while. Further, the game is set at too difficult a level to start off with and the average gameplayer won't be able to complete even the first few levels. However, the control method does make this game stand out; Z and X move left and right, space jumps and aiming and shooting are controlled with the mouse. Although it's good to see some new control methods being brought into platformers, I found the controls to be over sensitive on my machine, it needs a light touch. This control method has been used to a greater effect in
Abuse, a PC conversion from RCI. Here, the pointer does not disappear when other keys are pressed as it does in BloodLust. The music is of an average standard, though is a bit repetitive at times.
[screenshot]BloodLust was written by the Arm'd & Dangerous team, who are well known for producing some very good PD games in the past. That is this game's problem, it's stuck in the past - a 2D platformer with nothing special to make it stand out from the rest. It's all been done before and very much better as well. We really don't need another commercial game in this genre if it has nothing more to offer than its predecessors.
 Quite how Arm'd & Dangerous convinced 4D to take it on is beyond me, I suppose they should be congratulated for managing to get a commercial release, but I for one won't be buying it. Come on Arm'd & Dangerous, you can do a lot better than this!


To sum up

The good...
  • Innovative control method
...the bad
  • Yet another 2D platformer (yawn)
  • Poor gameplay
  • Some early levels too difficult


Rating: OKRating: OKRating: BAD


  Review - Blood Lust
  cheatwarrior (18:27 17/11/2005)
sion Message #87882, posted by cheatwarrior at 18:27, 17/11/2005
Posts: 133
no offence but even BotKiller 2 is better than this,
There isn't anything new.
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The Icon Bar: News and features: Review - Blood Lust