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The Icon Bar: News and features: Review - Wubble

Review - Wubble

Posted by Jon Hall on 00:00, 30/10/2000 | , ,

Rock pushing action from Gerald Morgan, reviewed by Jon Hall.


[Screenshot!]Wubble is a 2D maze game, where you play the part of a blobby type person, and attempt to destroy insect-like creatures, by pushing rocks into them. It is based on the old game 'Rubble', and is one for retro gamers, something I am not. You move around using Z,X,F and C, and push or crush rocks with a combination of one of these keys plus G or H.
ScreenshotYou have several different enemies, ranging from your basic Destroyer (green coloured monsters) to Targeters. The Destroyers move around quickly and will kill you if you get in the way, whereas the Targeters are stationary outposts lauching deadly venom out from the compass points.
ScreenshotThere is some rudimentary sound, but I found it very irritating, although the graphics are OK.

Running this game on a S/A is not advised, as it's just too quick, and is impossible to avoid rebounding rocks. Also the key presses are difficult, and usually by the time I had selected the required combinations, the game was over. Not my cup of tea, but give it a try on an older machine if you must.


To sum up

The good...
  • Graphics just about bearable
...the bad
  • Almost unplayable on StrongARM
  • Sound effects


Rating: OKRating: BADRating: OK

WWW:Gerald's website

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The Icon Bar: News and features: Review - Wubble