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The Icon Bar: News and features: The Project Files

The Project Files

Posted by Chris Williams on 01:00, 9/9/2000 | , ,
Hey, I heard you scoffing at the title. This is a section where applications written by Desktop staff are presented for you to use. A little bare at the moment, but we like to get projects stable before releasing them.

EasyApp 1.9.0
Developed by Mike Gerbracht and Chris Williams. In web browsers, typing the start of a url enables the browser to guess the full url, saving the user time, eg: 'ther' recalls theregister.co.uk. So, here is the riscos desktop equivalent; typing 'ar' into the dynamic search window could recall !Artworks, for example. The initial, no-frills release is here (18kby).
Remember to read the !Help and send us your comments. We hope to have EasyApp2.0.0 patching the file system to further enhance application recall and file caching.

This application will gradually change the backdrop colour as the day goes on. It might start a pale blue and shift to a deep green by the end. The app is near completion- so we are looking for beta testers. If you would like to try out Timerdrop or ask for the source code or just register an interest in it- email us. Expected release is late September.
Frontender allows non-desktop programs to become more user friendly multitasking applications. No new akward programming languages or nasty distribution licences. It is near completion- so we are looking for beta testers. If you would like to try out Frontender or ask for the source code or just register an interest in it- email us. Expected release is mid October.

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The Icon Bar: News and features: The Project Files