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The Icon Bar: News and features: 3D acceleration for RISC OS. No, really!

3D acceleration for RISC OS. No, really!

Posted by Jeffrey Lee on 18:10, 2/9/2005 | ,
Simon Wilson of PCITV fame has just released the first version of IyonixMesa, a code library that will allow programmers to make use of the 2D and 3D graphics acceleration supported by the nVidia GeForce 2 MX card that is used in every IYONIX machine. The work is based around Rudolf Cornelissen's 3D acceleration driver for BeOS and the Mesa 3D API. The library is suitable for use with C programs written for RISC OS GCC, and best of all it's available free of charge.
  3D acceleration for RISC OS. No, really!
  (18:11 2/9/2005)
  Guest (11:53 3/9/2005)
    Jeffrey Lee (14:34 4/9/2005)
      Jeffrey Lee (14:34 4/9/2005)
        Guest (07:27 17/9/2005)
Jeffrey Lee Message #87762, posted at 18:11, 2/9/2005
Unregistered user Note that I am currently accepting donations for the "Get Phlamethrower an IYONIX" fund. Send your money now and get your favourite open-source 3D game ported free of charge! ;)
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Guest Message #87763, posted at 11:53, 3/9/2005, in reply to message #87762
Unregistered user I was going to say what are the possibilities now games-wise?

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Jeffrey Lee Message #87764, posted at 14:34, 4/9/2005, in reply to message #87763
Unregistered user I'd say that most open-source OpenGL games up to around 1998 could be ported. Anything beyond that would probably require too much maths for a machine that doesn't have hardware floating point support. Depending on whether the driver supports hardware T&L, things may be better/worse than that estimate.
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Jeffrey Lee Message #87765, posted at 14:34, 4/9/2005, in reply to message #87764
Unregistered user Of course Simon will probably be able to give a better answer :)
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Guest Message #87766, posted at 07:27, 17/9/2005, in reply to message #87765
Unregistered user Yep, hardware texture and lighting is supported. The fillrate is phenomenal (looks as good as a PC), but the trirate needs improvement. Not all the pipelines in the GPU are used at the moment, even in the BeOS driver, in particular anything to do with transformations. A fixed point driver, which is in the works, would allow much newer 3D games to run just fine with suitable modifications. Not talking Half Life 2 here, but perhaps the Quake III engine. -Simon
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The Icon Bar: News and features: 3D acceleration for RISC OS. No, really!