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The Icon Bar: News and features: AWRender Plus Released

AWRender Plus Released

Posted by John Hoare on 18:47, 16/1/2003 | , , , , , ,
Martin Würthner of MW Software has announced new versions of AWViewer (the free Artworks file viewer) and AWRender (the module that actually does the hard work of rendering the files; as used by AWViewer and many 3rd-party applications). Now called AWRender Plus, to signify the massive update, the improvements are:

  • Files that use deep sprites now work
  • Sprites are now rendered correctly in deep-colour modes (32K and 16M)
  • New objects and fill types as added by the range of plug-in modules now render properly

    It is also now 32-bit compatible; with rendering speeds on an IYONIX being at least twice that as on a StrongARM RPC (all you lucky IYONIX owners should already have a copy, as it came with the machine). All of this is free to download, but if you find them useful, Martin asks you to make a £10 donation to support future development.

    Artworks 2 is scheduled to be released at the end of March, and as well as being 32-bit compatible, will also have a revised user interface and other additional features. It will be avaliable as a chargeable upgrade for existing users of Artworks and as a seperate product.

    Source: riscos.org

    Speaking of 32-bit compatibility, there's been some rather interesting news about Aemulor (the 26-bit emulator for the IYONIX) recently. Drobe have written a very nice article about it, and there's a thread running in our forums.

  •   AWRender Plus Released
      (19:06 19/1/2003)
      moss (19:06 19/1/2003)
        richcheng (09:47 20/1/2003)
          moss (11:37 20/1/2003)
    Someone who definite Message #91628, posted at 19:06, 19/1/2003
    Unregistered user Great article, moss! So well-written and structured! Well done!
      ^[ Log in to reply ]
    John Hoare Message #91629, posted by moss at 19:06, 19/1/2003, in reply to message #91628

    Posts: 9348
    Don't you just hate it when truncation spoils a perfectly good joke?
      ^[ Log in to reply ]
    richard cheng Message #91630, posted by richcheng at 09:47, 20/1/2003, in reply to message #91629

    Posts: 655
    It doesn't really bothe
      ^[ Log in to reply ]
    John Hoare Message #91631, posted by moss at 11:37, 20/1/2003, in reply to message #91630

    Posts: 9348
      ^[ Log in to reply ]

    The Icon Bar: News and features: AWRender Plus Released