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The Icon Bar: News and features: Programming resources

Programming resources

Posted by Matthew Somerville on 00:00, 28/3/2002 | , , ,
If you're doing any programming in the Wimp, BASIC, Assembly, or with any SWIs at all, then Stronghelp and the StrongHelp manuals available at the sites of iain truskett and Christian Ludlam are invaluable, especially if you also have Zap or StrongEd as your text editor so that you can look up a command's innards just by pressing F1. :)
If you ever need any resources allocated by RISC OS, such as filetypes, SWIs, Wimp messages, then this explanation from RISC OS Ltd and the Allocate program will prove useful.


First Steps in Programming RISC OS Computers (2nd edition)
An online version (downloadable in Impression and Ovation Pro formats) of Martyn Fox's book

Dr Wimp
Powerful, yet simple, BASIC Wimp library

Justin Fletcher's shared wimp library.

A central site for WimpBasic programming; another Wimp library

Another BASIC Wimp library, "powerful and flexible".

WIMP programming library written in ARM assembler, by Dave Thomas

Useful program for debugging BASIC wimp programs

The excellent (IMHO) template editor

An improved version of FormEd


ARM Macro Assembler

An ARM assembler

Provides extra functionality to the BASIC assembler

A wealth of examples and explanations in all manner of assembler

soup kitchen
An online version of Matthew Bloch's ten part series he wrote on ARM assembler programming in Archimedes World


Module to provide easy sorting of BASIC arrays

Steve Kappa
Contains various interesting BASIC utilities, such as Basalt which provides some extensions to BASIC, and some BASIC StrongHelp manuals

Language Ports & Other Languages

  • Perl, the Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister, version 5.005, ported by Nicholas Clark
  • PHP, the hypertext preprocessor, ported by Alex Waugh
  • Python, ported by Chris Stretch
  • Inform, a language by Graham Nelson; mainly used for writing text adventure games, but can be used as a language in its own right
  • Charm, ported by David Pilling
  • Fortran 77, ported by Intelligent Interfaces
  • Squeak, the smalltalk programming language, ported by Tim Rowledge
  • Lua, the award winning programming language, ported by Gavin Wraith
  • Awk, three different versions, also ported by Gavin Wraith


The C Acorn User Group has articles, examples and links to other sites.


The "Gnu's Not Unix" open source compiler GCC


A front end for GCC, which also acts as a project manager and can generate makefiles, by Dave Appleby

EasyGCC (Beta)

Another front end, by Chris Williams.


A different header library

DrSmith's C Toolkit

A collection of useful programs to help develop stable, efficient programs

Easy C++

Easy to use C++ development package

Helps you track down memory leaks in C programs

A C page at acornusers.org
Some ANSI C tutorials

Management Tools

A port of the 'Concurrent Versioning System' for keeping track of files during software development

GNU Make
Port of GNU Make 3.79


Peter Naulls' site has all the Java related information, from guavac and Jikes (two Java compilers) to info on Chockcino, his Java 1.1 virtual machine, yet to see the light of day.


Numbers Module
A complete set of integer infinite precision arithmetic routines written in assembler

Checks to see if an application is running

Utility to create Draw files from your own apps

Port of the GNU regular expression library

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The Icon Bar: News and features: Programming resources