This month's WROCC club meeting was a mixed session (most attendees were on Zoom). It was free to all Club members to attend. We welcomed back Anthony Bartram of AMCOG games.
He has now written around 20 games in the last 7 years. Not many car games so working on that.... 3D Muscle cars (working title) will be his next game! This will be his first 2 player game. Code Design is complete. Road generation approach same from Xeroid (2016)
Games usually designed by stripping down a 'donor' game as basis of next. Uses Blender, Paint Shop Pro 8 for images.
All the music is written from the games and we had a review of some of the tunes in the new game.
There was lots of inside info on how the game is being developed, hopefully for London release.
Anthony has also been look at options to convert RISC OS programs to other platforms so he can write on RISC OS and port to other platforms. He showed us some interesting code examples.
We were also treated to lots of demos of games, including some previously unseen games written on the BBC is the 1980s.
The meeting was recorded and hopefully will be available soon if you missed the live talk.
If you are interested in Gaming, the recording is definitely worth watching and we look forward to (hopefully) seeing the new game at the London Show.
AMCOG website
WROCC website