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The Icon Bar: News and features: Xenocide Preview

Xenocide Preview

Posted by Richard Goodwin on 00:00, 22/11/1998 | , ,

Xenocide is the latest shareware offering from the coding group Skullsoft. This forthcoming release matches up to the high standard that we've come to expect from Skullsoft following their excellent Arya text-adventure game. Xenocide is a vertically scrolling shoot 'em up with well-drawn graphics and good gameplay.

Xenocide is due for release around about Christmas time and will have a registration fee of about £10 with the unregistered demo version being freely downloadable over the 'net. The full, registered, version features a wide range of weaponry which can be purchased from the shop after collecting the cash bonus power-ups during the game. Various other power-ups and nice things like end of level baddies are included but we won't spoil the surprise for you. A pre-release review should be appearing here in a couple of weeks but for the time being, take a look at these screenshots!


[Title Screen]
Title Screen

[Title Screen]
In-game action

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The Icon Bar: News and features: Xenocide Preview