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The Icon Bar: News and features: IYONIX at BETT 2003


Posted by John Hoare on 19:33, 7/1/2003 | , , , , ,
The IYONIX will be on display at BETT 2003 - in BETT's own words, the "longest running, best attended, most comprehensive and most prestigious event in the UK's educational calendar". It'll be on will be on stand B166, with Cannon Computing (Cumana). The show is on between Wednesday 8th January and Saturday 11th January, and is open between 10am - 6pm each day (10am - 4.30pm Saturday). Admission is free.

It's held at Olympia, London, so you could always pretend you're going to Acorn World '96 if you want to. Go on, dig out the old silver bags and lets see if we can help Castle remind the world we still exist :-)

Source: Castle Technology Ltd

  IYONIX at BETT 2003
  andypoole (21:52 7/1/2003)
  moss (08:50 8/1/2003)
    Jaffa (17:58 8/1/2003)
      Jaffa (18:40 8/1/2003)
Andrew Poole Message #91593, posted by andypoole at 21:52, 7/1/2003
Mouse enthusiast

Posts: 5558
Speaking of Acorn World...
That takes you back :)
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John Hoare Message #91594, posted by moss at 08:50, 8/1/2003, in reply to message #91593

Posts: 9348
Very nice :-)

I spent ages trying to find something interesting about Acorn World '96, but couldn't find anything apart from that announcement; no in-depth newsgroup discussion, which is odd. It's probably there and I've just missed it.

Is anyone planning to go to BETT?

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Jaffa Message #91595, posted at 17:58, 8/1/2003, in reply to message #91594
Unregistered user Yes, on Saturday.
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Jaffa Message #91596, posted at 18:40, 8/1/2003, in reply to message #91595
Unregistered user Just a warning: the BETT floor plan in the printed magazine doesn't have a B166, but it is on the online floorplan.
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The Icon Bar: News and features: IYONIX at BETT 2003