In what must be the most tenuous marketing ploy evverrr, Castle have written in with details of a £350 cachback offer on IYONIX machines from now until the UK General Election is over.
The offer is open to anyone buying direct from Castle or any appointed dealer, and applies to any IYONIX, X100 or Panther PC. And in case your grasp of politics is about as good as mine is, they helpfully mention that the offer expires at 5.00pm on 5th May 2005.
For more info, including prices, check out the press release.
Link: Press Release
IYONIX hits sub UKP900 |
moss (23:36 6/4/2005) ad (23:49 6/4/2005) monkeyson2 (00:10 7/4/2005) andypoole (08:08 7/4/2005) fwibbler (10:53 7/4/2005) bmsh (11:08 7/4/2005) Bucksboy (12:17 9/4/2005)
John Hoare |
Message #93438, posted by moss at 23:36, 6/4/2005 |
Posts: 9348
An Iyonix for £900 is really not bad at all. |
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Andrew Duffell |
Message #93439, posted by ad at 23:49, 6/4/2005, in reply to message #93438 |
Posts: 3262
That's a very good price for those who havn't just spent a grand on a laptop. I do wonder what castle have up their sleeves though. Will there be a new RISC OS computer on the way? |
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Phil Mellor |
Message #93440, posted by monkeyson2 at 00:10, 7/4/2005, in reply to message #93439 |
Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler
Posts: 12380
The offer expires just before the W4kef!31d show... who knows...? |
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Andrew Poole |
Message #93441, posted by andypoole at 08:08, 7/4/2005, in reply to message #93440 |
Posts: 5558
Perhaps they've got some big announcement.. IYONIXmini perhaps (that would actually be quite cool!) |
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fwibbler |
Message #93442, posted by fwibbler at 10:53, 7/4/2005, in reply to message #93441 |
Posts: 320
I would bet real money (as opposed to fake money!) that Castle do NOT release a faster machine at the show. Cheers! |
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Ben H |
Message #93443, posted by bmsh at 11:08, 7/4/2005, in reply to message #93442 |
Posts: 33
Are they maybe running scared of the (supposedly) forthcoming A9home? Trying to get people on-board before that comes out? |
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George Greenfield |
Message #93444, posted by Bucksboy at 12:17, 9/4/2005, in reply to message #93443 |
Posts: 91
I am strongly tempted by this offer, which represents a 25% reduction. As to faster/cheaper new Castle or A9 hardware, I remind myself of the iron law of computing: the moment you pay good money for a computer, it is rendered obsolescent by some new development. Carried to its logical conclusion, this is an argument for not buying anything ever, of course, so I believe I will take the plunge. George |
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