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The Icon Bar: News and features: Iyonix/RISC OS in the Guardian

Iyonix/RISC OS in the Guardian

Posted by Andrew Poole on 13:03, 16/12/2002 | , , , ,
A quick tip-off from our very own John "moss" Hoare points us at the Guardian today, which has an article about the Iyonix and how RISC OS could be set to make a comeback.

The article makes an interesting read, and outlines the Iyonix and gives quick mentions to Virtual Acorn and the Omega.

If you want to have a read of the article without buying the newspaper, you can find it on the Guardian website.

  Iyonix/RISC OS in the Guardian
  pvigay (14:26 16/12/2002)
  moss (14:31 16/12/2002)
    moss (14:31 16/12/2002)
      Revin Kevin (14:34 16/12/2002)
        Horse (15:53 16/12/2002)
          moss (16:13 16/12/2002)
            Cheese monger (16:13 16/12/2002)
              Horse (17:04 16/12/2002)
                takkaria (19:59 16/12/2002)
                  Brian (22:39 16/12/2002)
                    gcse.com (23:10 16/12/2002)
                      Matthew (23:26 16/12/2002)
                        moss (12:53 17/12/2002)
                          moss (18:08 20/12/2002)
Paul Vigay Message #91558, posted by pvigay at 14:26, 16/12/2002

Posts: 200
Who's going to be the first pedantic so-and-so to point out that they spelt RISC OS incorrectly? :-)
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John Hoare Message #91559, posted by moss at 14:31, 16/12/2002, in reply to message #91558

Posts: 9348
I did in the General form :-)
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John Hoare Message #91560, posted by moss at 14:31, 16/12/2002, in reply to message #91559

Posts: 9348
Or even forum.
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Kevin Wells Message #91561, posted by Revin Kevin at 14:34, 16/12/2002, in reply to message #91560
Posts: 644
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Horse Message #91562, posted at 15:53, 16/12/2002, in reply to message #91561
Unregistered user When were anonymous comments switched back on? I love them!

The Guardian article: playing on nostalgia, isn't it? Perhaps more people would buy an Iyonix if salespeople targeted punters in the 25-50 year old male demographic by whispering "Psion, Sinclair, Acorn, hmmm, isn't it?" into their ears.

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John Hoare Message #91563, posted by moss at 16:13, 16/12/2002, in reply to message #91562

Posts: 9348
> When were anonymous comments switched back on? I love them!


> The Guardian article: playing on nostalgia, isn't it? Perhaps more people would buy an Iyonix if salespeople targeted punters in the 25-50 year old male demographic by whispering "Psion, Sinclair, Acorn, hmmm, isn't it?" into their ears.

Well yes; but you can't help the facts. The contact a lot of people would have had with Acorns is in the past; to ignore it would be a bit silly. It has plenty of forward-thinking stuff too :-)

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Cheese monger Message #91564, posted at 16:13, 16/12/2002, in reply to message #91563
Unregistered user They've also mis-typeset ARM. I see they mention Drobe, but not The Iconbar in the links at the bottom, too :)
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Horse Message #91565, posted at 17:04, 16/12/2002, in reply to message #91564
Unregistered user So, what I was saying about trading on nostalgia, the British computing industry, new and exciting microcomputers, colour graphics, the British Empire... ahem! Yes, they should think about using such devices for promotion.
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Andrew Sidwell Message #91566, posted by takkaria at 19:59, 16/12/2002, in reply to message #91565
Posts: 324
TIB got news drobe didn't. That makes a change.


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Brian Message #91567, posted at 22:39, 16/12/2002, in reply to message #91566
Unregistered user Where in the Guardian newspaper was the article or was it only on the online version.
I looked and looked today !!!
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gcse.com Message #91568, posted at 23:10, 16/12/2002, in reply to message #91567
Unregistered user Nice to see riscos.org getting a link from the Guardian, and not riscos.com!
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Matthew Somerville Message #91569, posted by Matthew at 23:26, 16/12/2002, in reply to message #91568

Posts: 520
Only online I think. I didn't see anything in the paper version, either. Certainly, the Online section is on Thursdays, not Mondays.
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John Hoare Message #91570, posted by moss at 12:53, 17/12/2002, in reply to message #91569

Posts: 9348
Well, let's hope it's printed on Thursday too :-) It *was* top of the Online section, for a while...
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John Hoare Message #91571, posted by moss at 18:08, 20/12/2002, in reply to message #91570

Posts: 9348
Tsk. Wasn't printed. Ah well.
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The Icon Bar: News and features: Iyonix/RISC OS in the Guardian